Part 4: The Living Dead

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(y/n) point of view

" Oh My god..." I thought to myself... what the hell just happened. The image of him right here. right now. it was too much. it was overwhelming. I wanted cry. he's unconscious. I began to feel the tears. and my eyes stung. I uncontrollably screamed for him. I left the stadium got into my car and raced to the hospital. I somehow got there before the ambulance. wow. it was only a few seconds later I heard the ambulance pull in. The image of his face wasn't the man I had coffee with and talked to for over 5 hours. His nose was crooked. literally. his lip had the biggest cut. and the worst part was how horribly his head was bleeding. I felt rage, I hated the man that cleated Alexis in the head. i HATED him. I then finally reacted and accepted his image and got up from the waiting room and ran to the room he was in.
they wouldn't let me in. I peeked through the room and they were doing something to his head. "stitches" I said to myself. "no, actually staples" said a doctor passing by the halls. I wanted to vomit. this was all too overwhelming. I took a seat in the waiting room and saw the doctor come out. his face. it looked white as snow. I wanted to faint. something happened. he finally said the words and said "sorry ma'am.. but.... he's in a coma... did I just hear that. "no. no. no. No.No.NO.NO!!!!! " I began to cry, and scream. a nurse tried to calm me down. I couldn't control myself. "NO NO NO!" I kept repeating those words. "would you like to see him" said the doctor in a firm voice trying to hold in the tears. I could hear his voice breaking. and the nurse trying to calm me down, began to cry. I calmed down after a few minutes. and I finally said "yes, please. I'd like to see him." The doctor led me the way. he opened her door for me and his face signaled for me to go in. I walked in, he closed the door and left. I closed my eyes and felt the pain. the type of pain of when you're losing someone. someone you love. someone that once saved your life. and I couldn't save his. how selfish of me. I walked towards the bed where he lied, his face his body that once held me with his broad strong arms. I bent down and kissed him on the lips, as a tear drop fell onto his face. I caressed his hair and began to sob. his head was bashed and he had a dent on it. "I love you." I whispered. Then walked out.

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