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xx - angels city.

12th of June, 2023, Chicago


"YOU have a brother?" Gracie asked in disbelief

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"YOU have a brother?" Gracie asked in disbelief.

Pippa stared blankly at the wall in front of her, looking anywhere but Gracie's eyes. She never mentioned the fact to anybody, nobody but Minnie knew about Winston's existence. He had disappeared from Pippa's life the second he turned eighteen and the girl hadn't seen him since.

"Y-yeah," Was all Pippa could muster up the courage to say.

It suddenly occurred to her then, that this could be the perfect cover story to tell Minnie, because, well, it wasn't a lie.

"Listen, I'll explain later, but this actually works out in our favor," Pippa declared, snatching a pen out of the pen holder on the desk and messily signing her name on the contract

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"Listen, I'll explain later, but this actually works out in our favor," Pippa declared, snatching a pen out of the pen holder on the desk and messily signing her name on the contract.

Gracie stared, open-mouthed and bewildered at Pippa's uncharacteristic haste and lack of hesitation. She could only follow suit, signing her name on the dotted line at the bottom of the twelve page contract Alexandra had drawn up.

Officially no turning back now.

"Oh by the way, could I catch the same flight as you to LA this afternoon?"


"Wait, you're moving?! Back to LA?! Pippa! Why didn't you tell me?!" Minnie yelled at her best friend through the phone.

"I only just decided this a couple hours ago myself! My brother texted me earlier and told me he's back home so I'm gonna go stay with him for a while," Pippa told Minnie.

It was only half a lie. Pippa would work with what she had.

"Wait, Winston's back?" Minnie asked, clearly taken aback by the information.

"Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are," Pippa quipped.

"But what about school? You've never missed a class - well, almost - and now you're just gonna leave?" Minnie questioned further.

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