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xxvi - excellent fun 'til you get to know her...

16th of June, 2023, Los Angeles


"BIRDY! I have a surprise for you!" Gracie informed, knocking on Pippa's apartment door.

She had entirely forgotten to tell Pippa about a certain plan that she had made that night she went over for cheesecake, entirely distracted by the less than stellar state of the kitchen - and Pippa, for that matter, not that Gracie minded - and now it was about an hour before they had to leave if they wanted to make it to their destination in time.

"Hello, Gracie Abrams, what brings you here?" The door swung open to reveal not Pippa, but rather her much taller, slightly intimidating in her own right, best friend.

"Oh, um," Gracie struggled for words, "I was hoping-"

"Mouse, why are you scaring her?" Pippa asked, Gracie could hear her voice from further inside the apartment.

Pippa had to think of an elaborate excuse to present to Minnie as to how she could afford such a nice apartment in the heart of Hollywood as, well, an unemployed student. Of course, Pippa had already told her best friend earlier that she was going to stay in Los Angeles with her brother, so it seemed like the obvious choice to just tell her that it was her brother's apartment, he was just rarely ever home because he worked long hours at the veterans' association. Pippa didn't know how to even begin telling Minnie what occurred a few days prior in front of the imfamous Hollywood sign.

"Because - I have a feeling this one," Minnie stopped to point a finger in Gracie's direction, "Is the real reason you moved away from me."

"Oh, Mousey, stop being dramatic," Pippa rolled her eyes, pulling her best friend away from the door by her wrist, "Come in, Gray."

"Actually, I can't," Gracie admitted.

"Okay... I'm a little confused," Pippa confessed.

"I have to be on a plane to Pittsburgh in," Gracie glances down at her watch, "Fifty-seven minutes."

"And you're here instead because...?" Pippa urged.

"Well, I was hoping," Gracie swallowed, her throat thick with anxiety, "I was hoping you'd come with me."

"What?" Pippa asked, not sure she heard correctly, "As in, fly with you to Pittsburg, in Taylor motherfucking Swift's jet, to go to her show tonight, with you in the VIP tent? Again?"

"Well, yes, yes, yes, and yes. If you want, that is," Gracie fiddled with the zipper on her jacket to avoid fidgeting with her hands and looking like a ticking time bomb of nervous energy.

"Well I'd love to, but I actually promised Minnie we'd go record store-"

"She can come too," Gracie offered.

"I don't know, I-"

"What the fuck?! Pippa, why are you even debating this?! Why go buy a Taylor Swift record when you could literally be sitting with her on a plane?! And said plane is flying to her concert! To see her perform live! Are you insane?!" Minnie threw her hands up in the air, fighting the urge to slap her best friend across the face in an attempt to knock her sense into her - sometimes questionably idiotic - brain.

"Well I guess we're going to Pittsburgh then," Pippa shrugged, the gravity of the situation completely going over her head for the time being, "Wait, but I haven't packed anything!"

out of the blue | gracie abramsWhere stories live. Discover now