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xxiii - i called you.

13th of June, 2023, Los Angeles


"COMING!" Pippa yelled as she scrambled to the door.

"Hi," Gracie smiled as she greeted the shorter girl, "Why do you look like you just fought the grocery store?"

Gracie was not wrong. There was flour in Pippa's hair, a blueberry stain on her white t-shirt, cream cheese on her forehead and - was that graham crackers on her eyelashes?

"I um-" Pippa stuttered, "I am not a very good baker."

"Oh don't be silly, I'm sure the cheesecake is lovely-" Gracie stopped mid sentence when she laid eyes on the current state of the kitchen, "Oh my."

"I tried my best! It was not as easy as they made it look on the video," Pippa defended.

"Is it ever?" Gracie teased, "Tell you what - how about you go take a shower and I will help you clean up this demolition site?"

Pippa sighed a breath of relief.

"Thank you! You're the best!" The shorter girl grabbed hold of Gracie's hand for a brief second before promptly pressing a feather of a kiss to the back of her palm and running away to the bathroom.

Gracie thought she was going to pass out. The room suddenly felt like it was about twenty five thousand degrees and she couldn't see through the heat waves. It wasn't until Gracie somehow shot another glance at Pippa's sink did she realize she actually had something to do. Gracie fought with her brain, daring it to think about anything other than where else those lips could go, how soft they were.

Gracie barely had a chance to regain her composure when Pippa reappeared from behind the bathroom door, clad in nothing but a giant band tee and squishy shark slippers. Her hair was wet, the droplets of water were dripping down her body onto the floor as Pippa attempted to squeeze the liquid out with a towel. Gracie looked away as she felt fire under her skin.

"I'll get the cheesecake out of the fridge," Pippa stated, throwing the hair towel back onto the rack in the bathroom.

"Okay," was all Gracie could muster as she scrubbed vigorously at the dishes as if they would explode if she didn't.

The dishes were not going to explode. But, Gracie felt as though she might.

"This is actually surprisingly good, considering the circumstances," Gracie claimed, shoveling another spoonful of cheesecake into her mouth.

"What can I say? I'm a natural," Pippa jokingly boasted.

Gracie rolled her eyes, remembering the girl's earlier state. Then the feeling of her lips. Then, before she could stop herself, words came tumbling out of her mouth.

"Do you wanna go to the beach?"

"Do you wanna go to the beach?"

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