Ch.9 - Star Wars Rocks

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Hey. Sorry I hadn't updated in a long while. But getting comments to update made me really happy and I know it took a while, but I needed inspiration again. So I found it! I hope you guys like. Keep leaving comments and liking! They really boost my self esteem some. So thanks and enjoy!

We sat like that for a while, I don't know why, but it felt right....

The bedroom door opened quickly and the two of us sat up like rockets. "Oh, Kassidy, I didn't know you had a friend here..." It was Aunt Jay, "Actually I didn't know you had made any friends at all...." I rolled my eyes, hoping she would get the notion to leave. She nodded and started to close the door, "Don't pull any funny business Mr. Stilinski or you'll have your father to answer to."

As soon as she shut the door I covered my face with my hands, why did she have to say that?! I was blushing and I mean deeply but I found it funnier that Stiles was a shade redder than me. 

"We've got some time to kill before Scott comes back from his run, you want to do something?" Stiles asked wth a shrug. I nodded slowly. "What do you want to do?" He asked. He looked at me and started to laugh, I silently chuckled. "I don't know why I acted like I was going to get a response. Okay I'll give you options and you nod yes or no." I nodded.

"We could play board games." I shook my head no. "We could play video games." I shrugged but then shook my head no. "We could watch a movie." I shrugged I gave him a face like I was asking which one.

He rubbed his chin, "How about," he huffed, "the Notebook." I scrunched my nose up in disgust and shook my head." He started laughing, "Thank god. How about you just come over and pick a DVD." I nodded and followed him to his window. He helped pull me inside and gestured to his collection of movies.

My eyes lit up as I dived for the new Star Wars The Force Awakens. Stiles gleamed at me, "Are you a Star Wars Fan too?" I nodded with a smile. He plopped the movie in and dragged me over to his bed where we both sat attentively to watch the show.

Halfway through he looked at me with a glimmer in his eye and started asking me yes or no questions. "Doesn't Chewbacca make you think of like, their giant talking dog?" "Isn't it terrible when all of the Jedi children die?" "This is the most important of them all. Do you think Han Solo shot first?" I nodded with a smile. He hugged me quickly, "Good, then we can still be friends." I pushed him playfully as we got back to the movie.

Once it was over he stretched, "What do you want to do now?" He looked at me skeptically, "You know I really wish I could read your mind." I shook my head with a silent laugh thinking, "You don't want to look in here." Stiles jumped up on the bed and started to jump up and down, "Oh my gosh do you want to go to the forest and test out your powers?" I bobbed my head in a "Eh, I don't know." Sort of way.

But before he could drag me out the door his phone started ringing and he answered and hung up quickly. "We can save that for later, we have to get to the school."

Quickly getting into his old jeep, he started to explain, "So when Scott got turned into a werewolf we didn't know who the Alpha was that did it, this same dude keeps following Scott to try and force him to join his pack, kinda like a terrifying, murdery sorority."

He laughed at himself and I smiled, "Well that was Scott. He says we need to figure out a way to know who the Alpha is because Derek thinks it's Deaton, Scotts veterinary boss, and that's not good." Stiles stated.

Once we got to the school it was dark out, Scott ran up to Stiles who pulled both of us inside to the principals office. I shivered, the school was creepy in the dark. "Just howl into the intercom and it'll drawl the Alpha to us!" I looked at him with wide eyes, was he crazy? Did he want us to all be stuck with a murdering machine when nobody else knew we were here?

Scott nodded at him, "Yeah! You said that a howl was to communicate with the pack so I can call to him to come here." Stiles stopped him before he pressed the intercom button, "Wait but what's the plan if he doesn't show up?" Scott shrugged, "I don't know." I rolled my eyes. "What's the plan if he does?" Scott rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah I don't know that one either." Stiles laughed, "I'm glad to know you thought this through with your usual amount of thoughtfulness." I smiled at him. Scott laughed back, "Here goes nothing."

He pressed the button and a tiny puppy like howl came out." Stiles closed his eyes and shook his head while I tried to cover my smile. "Well that was embarrassing." Scott huffed. Stiles rubbed his face before walking behind Scott and massaging his shoulders like one would do during a boxing match, "Okay buddy. Calm down. Center yourself. Now be a werewolf, not a teenwolf."

Scott nodded pressing the button a deep growling howl came out this time, causing me to instinctively flinch back. Stiles laughed, high giving him, "Nice one!" We all went back outside and Derek looked pissed. "You idiot! Why not just serve yourselves up on a platter to the Alpha! What the he'll was that?" Stiles smiled, "That was awesome! Loosen up sour wolf." I covered my mouth to stop myself from actually laughing.

Scott shook his head, "We're just here to prove that you are wrong about Deaton, see he didn't even react to my-" Scott stopped as he looked in the back of Derek's car. "He's gone." Derek shook his head, "You dumba-" He was cut off as claws sunk through his midsection, blood spilling out of his mouth.

My eyes grew wide and I froze. Scott and Stiles screamed, both grabbing my arms and dragging me to the school to lock ourselves inside. I was frozen, my worst nightmares had come back to life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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