Ch.4 - Fear and Realization

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I awoke the same way as I did yesterday, falling off of the bed because of the ringing. I heard laughter and looked out my window to see Stiles laughing at me. I glared at him as he continued to laugh. I looked in the mirror and saw my bed head, a small smile fell into my face as we continued to look at each other. Finally my feet got in motion and I waved as I shut my curtains and began to get ready.

I put on a black Cami with blue and green plaid with black leggings and blue converse. Simple and plaid, it works. I brushed my hair and made sure not to look at myself in the mirror today so I wouldn't become as sad as I knew I would. I walked downstairs, grabbed an apple and walked towards the door before Aunt Jau stopped me. "Young lady, I understand that you don't feel comfortable and this is all new, but you can't just skip meals. It will become a bad habit of you continue eating so little like this." I glared at her and walked out the door, screw her, she doesn't know what I went through. There goes my good mood.

I walked outside and stopped in my tracks, where was Anakins car? I looked back at the house and Aunt Jay was frowning, "He headed to a friends house this morning to pick them up, I told him to tell you to be ready early, but I guess he ignored me, you're going to have to walk to school I have a conference call about to start and Ed is at work. Sorry honey." My mood depleted even more as I started to walk towards the school. If it was 5 minutes in the car then it would take 10 minutes to walk. At least I headed out early.

I had just walked up the hill when I heard a car driving next to me. My entire body tensed in fear as I thought, this is it, I'm going to die, they got out of jail, I'm getting murdered just because my dueshe of a cousin couldn't wake me up early enough. But then I heard his voice, "Hey Kas you need a ride?" I slowly looked up to see Stiles and Scott staring at me. The last time I heard that nickname was back before-- you know. I nodded and got in the backseat they had opened and stated out the window.

"So why were you walking?" Scott asked. I immediately glared. "Did your cousin leave without you?" Stiles asked. I nodded and continued to glare. "Wait, you're cousins with Anakins and Jess?" Scott realized, "Now I get why you were at practice!" I nodded and waited. It took 4 minutes to get to school and we walked through the doors towards our lockers. I got my books and stuff out and turned around, surprised to see Acott and Stiles at their lockers, right across from mine. Oh my god they are everywhere.

I shut my locker and started to head to class when I heard footsteps rushing towards me. "Wait up!" Scott yelled as he and Stiles stumbled forward before falling in the middle of the hallway. I covered my mouth as I smiled and bit my lip, that was funny. They slowly got up and laughed, "Sorry we didn't stop in time." I nodded and started to walk towards history. When we entered the class and took our seats we all got out our books and waited for the bell to ring.

I heard someone searching for a pen looked outside to see a pretty girl freaking out. It was her first day and she had lost her own. She was being walked towards this class and when she entered everyone shut up and stared at her. I knew how she felt so I looked at my desk instead of her. When he sat down I turned and was about to hand her a pen when SCOTT did. That's weird, I know I'm not supposed to be able I hear thing like that, but neither should SCOTT. Awe, he has a crush.

I looked back to my books and waited for the class to be over. We headed to our next class and on the way Stiles, Scott, and I ran into Anakin. "Hey, I see you really have made friends with these bitches, I guess that makes you a bitch too." I frowned as he depleted the little confidence I had gained over the past day. Why did my cousins hate me so much? Were they thinking what I was all of the time: that I killed them, I killed my family, it was all my fault.

Anakin rolled his eyes as I looked towards the ground. "You may love in my house, but you are never going to be my family, my Aunt, Uncle, and best friend were murdered because of you. I hope that keeps you up every night. Hell, I know it does. I can hear you crying all the time. Try shutting up for once." That did it. My breathing caught in my throat as it felt tighter. I felt the tears in the backs of my eyes, they burned as I tried to keep them down. I quickly abandoned my new "friends" and got into the bathroom as fast as I could.

I quickly got into the largest stall against the wall and slid down the wall as the pain spilled out of me. I put my head in my hands and just wished I was gone. If I was gone I wouldn't have to feel like this. I wouldn't constantly be scared. A tiny sob escaped my lips but I quickly silenced it as I heard two pairs of footsteps in the bathroom. I continued to cry in my hands but didn't listen to what the other people were saying, wait I know that scent.

The lock on my stall opened and in came Stiles followed by Scott. He walked up and kneeled down in front of me. "It's okay," he cooed, "Anakin doesn't know what he's talking about." You don't know what you're taking about. "I don't know exactly what happened, but after the 3 days I've known you, you're defiantly not a killer." A small smile passed on my lips as another tear betrayed me. Stiles smiled a small smile back and wiped the tear away before stocking his hand out to me.

He pulled me off the floor and I looked back to see Scott smiling in apprehension. I frowned as I realized I just broke my promise. I said I was going to be strong, I wouldn't break, I may be quiet but I wouldn't cry in front of anyone. Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders and so did Scott, bringing me out of my disappointment as I jumped in shock. I looked at the two and they were giggling, "When are you ever not going to jump at our touch?" Scott asked, smiling at me. I shrugged and we walked out like that.

I tried to head towards our next period, but they started dragging me to the exit. My eyes widened in confusion and fear, my heart was pounding in my ears. "Oh my god, calm down, you might have a heart attack if you keep--- I mean, just calm down." Scott stuttered. Stiles looked at SCOTT like he was an idiot before explaining himself, "We want to show you something, because we trust you, and it's not like you will go around telling everyone." I was getting nervous, I mean, they're taking me into the woods. Im starting to panic a little.

"We can stop here since you're about to freak out, calm down, it's not that bad." Scott scolded me. I roles my eyes and stood there, waiting for what they wanted to show me. "Okay... So you know that whole legend about werewolves and everything?" Stiles asked. I nodded and waited for them to continue. "Well, I am one." Scott stated. They stood there, waiting for me to laugh, but I just stared at them.

Slowly Scott morphed into a werewolf and stared at me with his glowing yellow eyes. "Aren't you gonna scream or run away?" Scott asked in shame as he looked to the ground. I shook my head no and walked up to him, my fingers traced down his face until I got to his fangs. I stared at them as my hand immediately went to my arm. My eyes then trailed down to his claws and my hand went to my stomach. The boys watched my actions with curiosly. "Did something happen? Have you ran into a werewolf before?" Stiles asked.

I continued to stare at the claws and squeezed my stomach tighter, it was like I could still feel the pain. "Oh yeah she has." A man's voice sounded from behind me. I quickly whipped around as my eyes widened in horror.

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