Ch.8 - Now They Know

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Derek came in the room and found me in my current state; curled up in a ball on my bed under the covers. Stiles had moved me here at some point but I had lost all time perception. "Stiles what happened?" I heard Scott ask. "I don't know. I heard her crying and jumped into her room from my window, I got her to calm down enough but she's still terrified. I had to call you guys." "This is the only time I'm saying this, good job." Derek grunted.

I felt the bed dip as the scent of Derek got closer, "Hey what happened?" Derek asked as he put his hand in my back. As soon as he did the scratch from earlier flared up and I jumped up with a small screech. "What did you do to her?!" Stiles demanded. "Nothing, calm down Stiles," Derek demanded, "And get off of me." I looked over long enough to see Stiles had twisted Derek around to face him when he had touched my scars. "Who scratched you?" Derek asked. I sighed and sat back down with a shrug. "Was it one f the guys who had held you captive before?" I slowly nodded.

Derek shook his head, "I thought they were all in prison." So did I. "I have to see them, you could be injured, unless you have hit the healing process of the transformation.

I shook my head no and pleaded with my eyes, if they looked at my back they would see everything else, they'd know why I wore long sleeves everyday, I didn't want them to see me like that.

Derek frowned as he realized I wouldn't comply. "Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way." He shared a look with Scott and they both nodded. They jumped up onto the bed and grabbed my arms, pulling me into the mattress. I was flailing, trying to get them off of me but I knew I didn't have the strength or energy to fight them off so I settled on the silent tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I looked at Stiles and he looked mortified as Derek started to peel off my flannel.

As soon as it was gone I heard the gasps. "They did that to you?" Stiles asked. Derek must have answered cause I was laying there mortified that they had seen the scars on my arms. "Are they all over you?" Derek replied with a sour yes. "Some of these weren't even part of the transformation they-" "They just abused her." Stiles finished, anger evident in his usually playful voice. "We still need to see those scratches, could you roll over for us?" Derek pleaded with me, sadness was clear in his voice, so he didn't like that as much as I had, good.

I slowly rolled over and Derek looked at where my scratches were. "They've scarred over but I don't think they will ever truly go away. It's just another scar." I clutched the sheets of my bed in silent fury, more scars, the thought only brought the reality of what had happened back, I had been attacked by the men who were supposed to never be able to touch me again. I felt the bed shaking and slowly turned to Scott who had been oddly quiet the entire time. When I looked at his face his eyes were flashing from brown to yellow and back.

"Scott you need to calm down." Derek commanded. He was getting too angry, over me? That's new. I placed my hand on his arm and he looked at me. I nodded in assurance. Was I okay, no not at all, I've never been okay since that month, but can I act like it for their and my sake, of course. He took a deep breath and turned back to normal. "Sorry, I'm gonna go for a run." We all nodded and he left.

I quickly slipped my flannel back in and fixed my hair it was as if nothing ever happened. But it did, and that meant they would look at me differently now. "I'm leaving but if you need anything Kas, call me." I nodded and Derek left out the window. I turned to Stiles to see he still hand his hands clenched until I scooted back on the bed and pat the spot next to me. He took the invitation and sat next to me. I layed back the same time he did and we just stared at the ceiling until he started talking again.

"I'm so sorry." I quickly turned to him, did he think it was his fault or something, he should never think that. I quickly grabbed his arm so he would look at me, he is not allowed to think that. "I'm sorry that you didn't have someone there when you needed them the most." I was surprised, out of everyone who had pitied me, this was never the reaction I had gotten. I didn't know what to do, so I simply pulled him into a hug. I think he was surprised because he just sat there for a minute, a second later though he sighed as he pulled me closer to him. We sat like that for a while, I don't know why but we did and it felt right...

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