Ch.3 - First Day

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I awoke the next day to an unpleasant sound emitted by the alarm clock. The loud ringing sent me into overdrive and I fell off of the bed, to the floor. Great, it's time for my nightmares to come true, first day of school. I looked at my outfits and chose out the only decent thing it had; black leggings, gray cami, and red plaid with red converse. It was the only "cute" thing that covered up my scars. I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned, the old me would have cared about how I looked, the new me feels too ugly to even try. I brushed my waist length brown hair and looked again, a mess, that's the only way I can describe it. Ain't Jay called me down to get breakfast and I walked down to see she had made chocolate chip waffles, they used to be my favorite, but after being starved by..... I just didn't feel like eating anymore. But I knew I needed to please them so I took a waffle and took little bites off of it. Aunt Jay smiled at me and I nodded in response.

I heard a car honk outside and Anakin said he was driving us to school so we had to leave then. I panicked, I didn't have any school supplies. Aunt Jay saw this and handed me a black book bag that she said had everything in it. I followed Anakin outside with my head down and got in the back of the car while Jess slid into the passenger seat and Anakin started the car. The drive to the school was only 5 minutes meaning we could have just walked, but oh well. Slowly I got out of the car and it was like I was invisible to everyone as I walked to the office, good just how I like it. Anakin and Jess had left me in the parking lot. Jess said she was going over a friends house so I had to ride with Anakin home alone. Sadly, Anakin is on the lacrosse team so I had to sit at his practice and wait until it was over for him to drive me home.

I got my schedule and walked to my locker. Once I got it open I put the books I didn't need in and headed to my first class, history. I stood outside of the door and took a deep breathe before walking inside and being greeted by the stares of the classroom. The teacher walked up to me and stated, "This is our new student Kassidy Cage, please be nice and...... pretty much don't be yourselves. You can sit in the back there Kassidy." He pointed to a seat in the back corner, I nodded and walked towards the back. A jackass stuck his foot out and tried to trip me but I simply stepped over it and sat in my seat. I looked up just enough to see the jackass glaring at me and his friends laughing. Oh well, I was. Not going to be made even more a fool of myself on my first day.

Aunt Jay had explained everything to the teachers at my school and they knew not to call on me unless I raised my hand, which was not happening. I sat and stared at my book and read like the teacher had asked. I heard people mumbling to my side and looked over at them with curiosity. "She smells different, not a werewolf, but different." The shaggy boy from yesterday whispered to his friend from yesterday too. I shrugged it off and hoped I didn't smell, what am I kidding, I shouldn't care about what they think. If they knew half of what had happened---- ugh, don't think about it.

The bell rang and I left, moving on to my next class. After that class ended, which I ended up sitting next to the two boys from yesterday again, I walked into the lunch room to eat lunch. Like I said before, eating wasn't an essential so I bought and apple and went to sit outside under a tree in the courtyard. Around the corner I could see the lacrosse field, behind me was woods and across the field was more woods. Of course I would move to a town that only magnified my fears. I sighed and bit into the apple while I started to read my book for English, "Of Mice and Men." The two guys from earlier walked out and sat down at one of the benches and continued to whisper to each other, I could hear them, but I wasn't going to get into their business. I felt like someone was staring at me, but I mean, I'm the new girl, everyone's going to stare at me.

Slowly I looked across the lacrosse field and locked eyes with a muscled man in a leather jacket. My eyes widened, he defiantly didn't go to school, was he here to kidnap me, maybe he was going to finish off what the other men had started. I shivered under his glare and sat there, petrified. Slowly he lifted his finger to his lips and smirked, I was dying inside, but would not look away from him, then he might disappear. I heard someone walking towards me, but didn't dare to move. "Hey, you're Kassidy right?" I heard someone's voice, but it seemed distant. The person in front of me must have looked to where I was staring because I heard him gasp, "Scott look!" He whisper yelled. I was still staring at the guy as he smirked and walked away. As soon as he was out of sight I released the breathe I had been holding in and shakily looked back to my book. "Do you know him?" The kid in front of me asked. I shook my head and tried to get back to reading, but the guy in front of my seemed to be getting closer.

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