Ch.1 - Coming home or not.

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I awoke startled, and in a sweat. I had another nightmare, it always seems so realistic. I looked around the room I had been sleeping in and sighed, today was the day. It had been a week that I had to stay in the police station. Yesterday was the trial and today my Aunt Jay was coming to take me to their house. One week since I escaped those people who haunt my dreams, 4 days since they'd been taken into custody.

"Are you ready Kassidy?" The police officer had come into my room to make sure I had everything. I nodded and stood up grabbing my blanket and stuffed bear, packing them into my bag. I walked down the hallway towards the lobby of the station and sat down on one of the squishy chairs. The officer who had cleared out my room came to check me out at the front desk. I heard the doors open and looked up in time to see my Aunt Jay running towards me with her arms open. She grabbed me off the chair and brought me into a gigantic hug, I imediately stiffened. After a couple of seconds of the hug that I wasn't participating in she released me and looked at me, confused. I looked to the floor and sat back down while the cop called Aunt Jay over, thankfully taking her stare off of me.

She stood next to the cop, trying to figure out why I wouldn't hug her. The officer finally explained, "When the people found her running down the side of the road and brought her in she wouldn't talk to anyone, would let anyone touch her, and wouldn't look anyone in the eye. At the trial she only talked once to give testimony and then went silent after that. After being kidnapped for a month and coming back to find out that your parents had passed, it's bound to leave its scars." My Aunt nodded as she signed the papers saying that she'd be my legal guardian. My Aunt snuck another glance at me and turned back to the officer, "She doesn't talk at all? How was she when she came in?" The officer nodded again, "She was covered in dirt, scars, and..... and blood. The people who found her said that she told htem that she was kidnapped and then passed out. The people brought her to the hospital where they called us. When she woke up she was crying, but we reassured her that she wasnt near those people anymore. We tried to ask her questions, but she wouldnt repsond. When we asked her is she woudl testify she nodded. We had to take her back to her place for her to get her things, so she had to be told about her parents. She silently slipped into her house and came back out with one bag, she couldn't remember where all of her clothes were anymore, so we figured you could get her more clothes when you arrive home?"

Aunt Jay told him that she would and then asked about the trial, "She got up on the witness stand and looked towards the floor as they asked her questions. She responded with nods until they needed to hear more. She finally looked up and stared at the criminals face, crying as she gave her testimony. When she had fifnished the entire courtroom was silent and she looked back to the ground. The verdict was ruled as guilty; the criminals stood up and tried to run at her, screaming vulgar things at her as he was taken away by the officers. Kassidy came back to the police station and stayed here." Aunt Jay hugged the officer, "Thank you guys for helping her." She turned to come back towards me but the officer stopped her before she could leave, "Another thing, she has this stuffed bear and blanket, I think it's from her parents, whatever you do, DO NOT try to take them away from her, she'd have a break down, trust us."

Aunt Jay understood and came over to take me with her. We got in her car and headed for the airport. We got on the plane and I looked out the window, "Goodbye Berkley Springs, Virginia. Hello Beacon Hills, California."

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