Hierarchy 14

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"Bishop Shamura? Before you have our heads-"

"Bring her here!"

Shamura growled. Noelle hid behind Leshy for protection, they were very intimidating. She didn't even realize that most of them were behind Gaia's crown. Moses was already on the offensive. Leshy had to push him back.

"If you flash that sword, they WILL kill you! If you want to protect your goddess, stand down!"

Heket said. Moses gritted his teeth as Noelle brought Fernilla to Shamura. His other siblings then sat down as Gaia lifted off her head.

"So this is the goddess you worshipped before you came here?"

"Yes, Bishop Shamura, this is Goddess Fernilla of the White Feather Clan"

"Or what's left of it"

"Heket, hush"

Shamura still looked down at this Goddess. Usually Fernilla wouldn't take any of this, but she genuinely looked scared for her life. It was best she said very little.

"Her crown is white, Elder sibling, doesn't that mean-"

"She's not an official goddess. This whole thing was pointless...then we have no choice..."

They pulled out their axe. Moses quickly ran in front of his Goddess.

"Moses, you have to stand down! They're not going to harm her- Shamura sit your ASS down right now!"

Gaia yelled. This was not going well if she cannot get the reigns of this conversation back on track and stop her bloodlusted spouse.

"How dare he raise his sword against me! I'll have his head-"

"You raised your axe first and threatened my goddes!"


Gaia shouted. The room was finally quiet. Gaia was finally able to speak.

"Fernilla...I'll sum this up to you. We need another person to bring me back to life. In that stead, we'd be able to take down Narinder and make him pay for what he did to this family and the other countless people he's harmed. Will you help us?"

"I just said she was a junior crown user!"

"And the kids were juniors when I was sealed! Your point?"

She said, staring them down angrily. They don't want to make their wife anymore upset than she was right now, and besides, she DID have a point. Noelle looked at Fernilla.

"Please, my goddess! I've never asked you for a favor, so please! Help us!"

She said. Fernilla sighed. She already knew what's happened to her lambs. Revenge sounded good, but can she trust them? Is Noelle being taken advantage of? There was so much missing that she was weary on taking a chance. Then Moses tapped her hand

"I trust Noelle...you should too my goddess...we have nothing to return to, we might as well be in good standing with a powerful ally"

He said. Fernilla nodded. Not having a Clan to belong to is dangerous, but having that ability to gain protection from a powerful Clan is also a bonus. She agrees to the relief of Gaia.

"I will help under one condition"

"Gaia, you're really going to go through with this? Can she be trusted?"

Shamura asked. Gaia nodded. She has to trust her, it's not like they have a choice. Like Noelle, she is taking a chance on total strangers...if they are willing to help, their demands are nothing more than a reminder of their selflessness.

"I'll allow one demand. Be reasonable"

"I wish to reinstate my clan but I want your protection"

She said. Shamura growled.

"And now this lower crown wants our protection?!? You-"

"One more word out of you, that is not granting them that protection, you will never see me as your wife again!!!"

The other bishops gasped! That's huge! She's really pissed off with Shamura. Thin ice. Even the kids knew this was not good!

"Eldest sibling! Just listen to what mom says!"

Leshy said

"I have to agree with her! We may not like it, but we dont have a choice right now. Besides, ita not worth the price of your marriage!"

Kallamar said.

"Yes, I agree! Don't make her mad anymore! She's right! We don't have a choice unless your okay leaving her in the void"

Heket said. Shamura, already growing tired of all of this, gave in.

"Do what you want. There's a spare room down the hallway, use it."

And Shamura retires for the day. Everyone is relieved except Gaia. Just more work for her to do.

"Okay, Heket. What do we need for the ritual?"

The bishops looked at Gaia confused.

"Wait a minute, You're not gonna go and soothe Elder sibling? You always do that. Besides, the next person that looks at them wrong, its going to be their heads! We can pick this up in the morning!"

The others agreed. Gaia sighed. Then she looked at the door Shamura left. Might as well.

"Situate Fernilla and Moses. We will speak more in the morning. Everyone go get some rest."

Gaia said, hovering to go find her spouse.

"Now where is that grumpy spider?"

Gaia said as she left

"Gods, were they always that needy?"

Leshy whispered. Kallamar nodded.

"That's the way they always acted. Even when we were kids, Shamura was always the one to bend to Gaia's will. And they did it without hesitation. I honestly cannot wait to see Mom again! The order here will atleast be back to normal...ish"

Kallamar said. Gaia shared that sentiment and so did Leshy. Bishop Gaia's return will be spectacular!


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