Chapter one

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Charles pov

I wake up and went downstairs to eat breakfast with my parents and siblings and went upstairs after.

I didn't feel the need to get up yet and went back to sleep. " CHARLES MARC HERVÉ PERCEVAL LECLERC get up " not the full name I whined quietly and I scrambled around my room getting ready for church.

My mom is nice and all but when it comes to church you better ready in time or else you're gonna be on her bad side and I don't want that.

I got ready in time and went downstairs in time before she yelled at me. I'm always the last one that comes downstairs.

Everyone was seated on the couch waiting for me my mom comes over and fixed my tie and tried to mess with my hair.

I move my head in time and she glared at me and heard chuckles from behind. Lorenzo, Arthur and I are in the backseat.

Dad opens the church and we have to make sure everything is good while he gets his bible and bag testing the microphone and the rest.

People start coming and soon the church and full and what's worst we have to sit in the front I hate that but we have to look perfect.

When the door opened I turned around it was a group of men. The one in the middle stood out the most to me god he looked so good.

Brown hair, dark chocolate eyes, big luscious lips I continued to admire his features till i felt someone tapping my shoulder to get my attention.

I waved them off continue to stare till his eyes meet mine and I immediately looked away blushing.

" who's the lucky lady. " my mom questioned. " no one. " I say way too fast for her liking. At this moment I knew I fucked up dinner's gonna be long today.

I sink down in the seat my hands covering my face. I sit straight right after remembering to keep a good impression and time to make up a lie even though it's bad.

But at this point you don't have a choice. I keep glancing every now and then. I felt this urge to get to know him.

After church we go home I go straight to my room leaving everyone behind. Lorenzo and Arthur are gonna come tease me later for staring at someone.

Mom calls that dinner's ready lord help me I greeted everyone at the table. I'm sat next to Arthur and on my other side his girlfriend.

Dinner was going well till I had to get up and put my plate in the dishwasher my father stopped me. " I saw you glancing at someone " my heart stopped for a second he noticed.

I huffed " no I thought I saw something I wasn't staring " I defended my mom shook her head.

" I know love when I see it you were staring. Come on, who's the lucky woman " it's man not woman I wanted to say but held back.

" blah, blah, blah I'm not in love and there's no woman and I'm tired I have school tomorrow goodnight " and went upstairs fast.

I took a relaxing bath the man's image keeps replaying in my mind over and over again. I got my clothes on put my alarm on and went to bed.

The next morning was dreadful I didn't wanna get specially for school. I let my alarm ring till someone came to wake me up officially.

I groaned and had a hard time getting out of bed but I went in the shower and got ready. We had to be there cause there was a guest coming.

Even at school I have to keep up my image as son of the pastor. One bad move and the people are talking. I can't slip up at all if my parents find out I'm gay it's over.

After lunch we had to go to the assembly room I sat with Max, Daniel, Perrie, Lando and Sebastian and their girlfriends.

I'm the only single one in the group and they know about the man in the church that I developed a crush on.

They supported me when i told them I was gay and kept it a secret from everyone even my parents there the only I told after my brother's.

" I heard the guy that's speaking is hot " Jessica whispered wiggling her eyebrows at me. I chuckled lightly at her.

The guess came on stage and I was shocked well the whole. " isn't that him " Perrie whispered looking at me I nodded at him.

He introduced him " good morning ladies and gentleman my name is Carlos Sainz " his voice deep and hot god how am I supposed to survive.

He looked so good in that black tuxedo. He pulled the sleeves of his suit jacket up and he had veins and tattoos.

My eyes widened that's my weakness my mouth slightly open and I'm probably drooling.  I was snapped out of my gaze by a voice " look at his friend " I turned my head to Shakira.

She two years older than me and were like siblings from different mothers. He stopped talking when a new voice came to the microphone.

" your man is speaking " I teased her and she blushed nodded saying " yeah my man " she looked at that man like his the last piece of  meal on earth.

" y'all ain't even together " I told her. " but we will " she answered back. He introduced himself as Lewis Hamilton she began to put her name and his last name in her notebook.

I don't think Shakira and I really payed attention to what they were saying more like googling at them.

I mean you can't blame us we had one more class to follow the we were free to go we agreed to meet at my house this afternoon.

We walked around the corner when I dumped into someone falling to the ground with my books on the floor " I am so sorry " I got my stuff and looked up.

" it's fine are you okay " Lewis I think his name is handed me my book. " yeah I'm good thanks " when another jumped in voice.

" Lewis come on, we gott— " Carlos came in and begins dragging Lewis but cut himself off. I looked down feeling Carlos gaze on me.

" oh yeah, I hope you're okay.... " you can hear the sorry in his voice.

" oh uhh Charles " I snapped out of my gaze he nodded and turns around now dragging Carlos away.

I chuckled and we begin walking to class " did you see the way they looked at you guys " Jessica stopped us all.

" it's like they were mesmerized " Lando came in and agreed with Jessica. We shake them off walking to the last class of the day.

The final bell rang and I made my way towards the parking lot. Somewhere around 3 the doorbell rang and my mother called for me.

I made my way downstairs and greeted everyone and went out to the back. We sat and hung out till late at night and we don't have school tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up late in the afternoon and I had to ran out and buy some groceries for mom.

She gave me a whole list and money and I went and got them all. I came back with the receipt and went in my room to play cod with the group.

I fell in love with a church boy Where stories live. Discover now