Chapter seven

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Charles pov

Russ walked in with food in a plate. I put the controller down and took the food. " thanks " I take a bite and groaned.

I pointed " who made it " and take a another bite " Justin " and he walked away I finished the food and went downstairs.

" Justin the food was....was I don't know the right word but it nothing like I ever tasted. " he smiled and thanked me.

I washed my plate and drank a little and ran up the stairs to my room. On the last step I tripped and hit my head. Ouch.

The pain subsided after a few minutes. Someone burst through my door " mom and dad are coming in a few minutes get off the game. " Lorenzo came and went out.

I turn it off with a heavy heart I was just about to get another win. I make my way downstairs and passed by a mirror and looked at it.

I see my forehead is red from where I hit it. I sit down on the couch and go on my phone. I haven't told anyone about the message I got.

" I have something to tell you guys. " I muttered out and they all look at me the same time. It's kinda creepy " so I have been getting messages from this number. " I start but was interrupted.

" did you open the messages and read them. " Justin sat more straight listening attentively. " no I didn't and left them unanswered. "

" good and let me see " Justin held out his hand i unlocked my phone and handed it to him.

" how long ago was this. " Lorenzo looked at me I played with my fingers " a few days ago "

" and just now you think of telling us. " Russ shouted I flinched " I'm sorry " I apologize tears falling down my cheeks down on my shirt.

" don't yell at him at least he told us. " Justin stood in front of him.

Lorenzo came to my side " don't cry " he hugged me wiping my tears.

" don't yell at my little brother maybe he was scared and kept it to himself. " Lorenzo says not letting me go.

" yeah but something could have happened in these few days with us just cause he was scared. " Russ yelled again and pointing out the obvious.

Arthur shakes his head chuckling " you really wanna die huh. " his was been really quiet but observing everything.

Russ huffed " and what makes you think that. " he was proud of himself. " oh I don't know maybe because he pulled the most dangerous man. " Arthur called out.

" you're digging yourself a bigger hole. " Justin said unimpressed without looking up from his laptop.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at Russ up and down. The door opened and mom and dad came in through the door.

They stopped with what they see in living room " who are these people and why is the house surrounded with security. "

Justin explained the whole situation from the beginning. After all they are our parents and there supposed to know.

I signed making my way towards the kitchen making another plate of chicken Alfredo.

" so you're telling me my son pulled the world's most dangerous mafia boss. " my mom shocked looking at me then back at Justin.

" yes and we need to keep him safe cause gangs around the world are trying to kidnap him. That why there's so many security guards. " Justin said awkwardly and they nodded.

Carlos pov

When Justin called and told me that Charles was in love with someone and else. Everyone in that room was even more scared of me than they were.

No one dared to even open there mouth unless it was serious. I called in the hacker to find out who this person is.

I paced around my office. Justin kept me updated on my prince and what his doing. He said his going to try and get more details on this church guy my prince likes.

I was there that day and I try to rewind back on who he was looking at but nothing. I snapped out of my daze when I heard a knock. I sit back relaxed in my chair facing the city.

" come in " I heard the door open and closed they sat on the chair in front of me. I turn around and I'm faced with the hacker.

" I looked back at the CCTV footage closely and found nothing. We need a little more details and what he looks like. " he chose his words carefully.

My phone pinged and my eyes drifted to my phone screen and see a text from Justin. " his tall, with dark brunette hair and brown eyes. " I smiled perfect timing.

I showed him the text and he nodded walking out the office to go look again.

I will get you soon.

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