Chapter fifteen

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Carlos pov

I walk downstairs texting Marcus to get information about this Winston kid. I get to my warehouse and walk into my office and see the files on my desk.

I take it and read all the information now I will pay him a visit. I kick the door open and I instantly see him " move I'll kill your family " I pointed the gun at his parents.

The terrified look on their faces I sit down on the single couch smiling in satisfaction. " do you why I'm here " I ask the Winston kid he nodded.

" I'm sorry, please don't bring my parents in this. " Winston begged on his knees. He did seem sorry but he made my baby cry and he is going to pay for it.

" go on your phone " he looks confused but takes it waiting for my next command.

" go live public apologize to Charles and say you're the biggest loser and that you're jealous bitch boy. " he looks at me and hesitates and I pointed the to his parents.

He immediately did what I asked him to do and aimed the gun to his head while he talkes and I smirked. After that I let him go well that's what he thinks.

I grab him by the collar and held him against the wall and he held his hands up. " if you say something bad about my boy again you will hear from me " and let him go.

I went back to the house and walked through the door. " you really know how to ruin someone's life " Justin said right as I walked in the living room.

I shrugged my shoulders " well what did you expect me to do he hurt my baby boy and his going to pay the consequences. "

" and by the consequences you humiliated him on social media by leaking his shit " Russ for the first time actually gave a shit.

" yeah " I walked over to the bar and poured a shot of whiskey and downed it in one go. And by perfect timing Charles walked down looking better than before.

I finished his work for him before going to that Winston idiot so he doesn't worry his pretty little head. He greets everyone and walks over to his laptop and opens it.

He snaps his head so quick you think he snapped his neck " who had  finished my school assignment " I did " i said hopefully he isn't mad.

His face lightened up " really " he did that cute adorable face smiling. " that's the nicest thing anyone has done for me "

" thank you " he walked over to me and kissed me passionately " okay get a room lovebirds " Arthur covered his eyes acting disgusted.

I pulled away when a someone knocks on the door I go and check who it is before opening the door. Winston.

" YOU. " he yelled pointing at my chest " what did you do to MY reputation. " I see Charles coming behind the corner " get your filthy hands of my man " I move to the side and let him handle it.

Charles slapped Winston in the face. I smiled and thought " that my boy ". What I didn't expect was for Charles to get on top of him beating the shit outta him.

I pulled him off of him. Everyone came to see what was going on and I felt a light slap on my chest " you can tell it's your man. " Justin said.

I chuckled and we went back inside leaving the asshole outside to rot. I sit on the couch with Charles on my lap and checked his hand I kissed him and leaned my forehead agains his.

" I'm so proud of you " i muttered smiling from ear to ear. He smiled and pecked me on my lips. He shrugged and said " he deserves it and he should have know not to touch my man. "

Our moment was interrupted by a cough " it's cute but we have something else to worry about. " Justin showed me a picture.

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