Chapter sixteen

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Charles pov

One second I was in Carlos lap the next I'm back on the couch missing his touch. He left and didn't come back after a whole week coming all lovey dovey on me.

I lightly push him off me before he wakes my baby up. " huh uh where have you been " I point my finger at him " you haven't even sent a single text. " I sit back I know he is  busy but the least you could do was sent a text letting me know you're alright.

Or let Justin inform me that's he's alright but nothing I pulled my blanket to cover myself and Jacob and went to sleep. After a good sleep I woke up and go to rub my eye but felt a hand in mine.

I looked down and saw Carlos hand in mine next to me on the floor. My lips quivered it's so adorable even though I'm kinda mad he knows I can't sleep very well without his touch.

I shake him lightly and he started stirring in his sleep when his opened he pulled his hand away. " I'm sorry " he said looking down the kitchen loud  hearing voices everywhere.

But it stopped and you could see everyone their mouth opened shocked " did you just say sorry " Justin voice broke the silence. He ignored him and turned back to me " it's okay I'm not mad " I assure him.

When Justin came and whispered something in his ear Carlos looks at him then at me " I have to go away and I don't really know when I be back it's something important business. "

He breaks down the news looking at me searching for any sort of reaction. " will you stay safe " I asked my hand touching his face " I'm not sure but I promise you I will stay safe as much as possible. " he wipes my tears kissing my forehead.

" when will you leave " Carlos looks over at Justin and he comes into the conversation " in a minute " he looks at his watch " say your finally goodbye and go in the car that will take you to the airport. "

He told everyone to get out to give us privacy and I really appreciate it. I hug him tightly not wanting to let go we stay like that for a little not saying anything taking in the moment.

He let go and pulled me into a passionate kiss not rushed, not heated but full of love and emotions. We pulled away just as Justin came in he kissed me one last time.

He went up to Justin " if he complains about someone or if someone messes with him you know what to do. " Justin nodded giving him a goodbye.

I watched till his car disappeared for my view and slumped down on the couch. It's been two weeks since I last saw Carlos and I missed him deeply.

I missed his touch, his kisses, his laugh, his smile, his voice and being in his arms. I had a soccer match today and we left the house going to the studium.

The game is going amazing where winning so far the score is 3-2 Patrick passed the ball to me and I look at the ball in the air and timing it and did a bicycle kick scoring.

I run to my teammates celebrating and dedicating my goal to Carlos publicly in front of everyone. To say that everyone was shocked even the commentators were I never did this.

The match ended with score being 5-3 I laid on the ground on taking in the moment. I see my family coming over to me my brothers helped me up congratulating me.

I smiled happily but deep down I wished Carlos was here. But he had his own thing to focus on I went to the locker room and take a quick shower and wear my clothes.

We waited for coach to give us his speech on how we did and how proud he is of us and how hard we worked. I went out the locker room and greeted my teammates goodbye.

Mom and dad took us to a restaurant to celebrate our team's win, the food there was amazing and mom even let us take a couple shots of whiskey and tequila.

The atmosphere hadn't left us and we stayed up all night watching movies and playing video games. The time we went to sleep our parents were just waking up.

We were all over the place snakes everywhere I know will let us clean it all up. And will probably play her holy songs while cleaning and will not even try to be quiet.

When we clean we have to be extremely quiet because she's getting her beauty sleep and needs it. I mean one little loud noise and she wakes up yelling at like you gave her some kind of illness that has no cure.

Carlos pov

It was two weeks since I last saw my boy and Justin send me a reminder that today is his match. I take free time to watch it and let me say the team work is spectacular.

I see Charles score a bicycle kick I get up I'm so proud of him I see him dedicate his goal to someone. The whole studium was shocked but shortly after I found out why.

The dedication was to me out of everyone he decided to dedicate it to me. I'm very grateful but soon I had to go back to what I came here for.

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