Chapter seventeen

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Charles pov

We were right she played her christen songs and sang them while cleaning and woke us up to help her.

She didn't hold back to let us clean specially places she can't clean. I mean it was random how she was cleaning in the middle of the week which only means on thing.

She invited people over probably for dinner. The second I was done I went upstairs to sleep. I need to catch up on some anyway and now is a perfect time.

I stretch myself out when Justin bust through my door " you get up take a shower wear clothes and go downstairs immediately "  he left no room for anything else and went out.

Probably to tell the next person the same thing. I do as I'm told and I'm downstairs in no time. I knew it she invited her christen friend from church and there husband's.

They all congratulated me on the win and I said my thank yous to them. Mom let her friends introduced us to their husband's when we get to the last one.

I froze for a little but was snapped back to reality. I didn't want to look suspicious but after a little I ask Justin to come with me and " help " me with something.

" remember when I said I didn't see anything on the incident at the café. " he nodded listening attentively. " well I lied I saw one of the man's face kinda. I couldn't really make out who's it was exactly by his face but I remembered one tattoo. "

I take a breath " and the last husband over there he has the same exact one which make him one of them. " Justin creeps up behind the counter and looks back he hugs me.

" this is every important information thank you. " he hugs me again and called Russ over. Russ thanked me for remembering that detail and they alerted security Incase something happens that I'm immediately escorted out safely.

They sent me back to the living room and came back after have an hour later. A security guard came in and cleared his throat " excuse me can I lend Mr Leclerc for moment " mom said yes.

I went with him to another room " Mr Sainz sent you this. " and he brought the bouquet of flowers with a card attached and a present.

I smiled and read the card silently.

Dear Charles,

I know you're probably wondering why I'm sending you a present. I'm very proud of you for winning your match with your teammates and dedicated your goal to me. I'm very honored and happy but I apologize for not being there to celebrate with you again I'm deeply sorry.

I wipe a tear that made it's way down my cheek and smiled. No one ever apologize for not making it to something important that I have coming up.

But here Carlos is apologizing while he's somewhere around the world. All the while my exes who live about a block away from the studium make excuses about not making it.

Not only that they don't even feel sorry for making or apologize that they couldn't make it they only give me a simple kiss and congratulations and go back to what they were doing.

I'm very grateful for the gifts the smile never leaving my face while walking back to the living room " what made you so happy today " Arthur said I waved him off saying I will tell him later.

Justin and Russ came around teasing me and my face was a blushing mess. They managed to snap a photo of my face and ran out of the room laughing.

I ran after them knowing they would probably sent it to Carlos and they forgot one thing I'm a football player I run very fast and quickly catch up to them.

By the time I caught the phone it was already sent and he saw it I see three dots appear and I hear breathing loudly behind me. " teasing him again " he replied and sent another text right after " beautiful " I blushed even more.

I scrolled farther up and he talks about me every single day at every chance he gets and compliments my looks in every photo he gets of me through Justin.

I feel tears coming out of eyes. HE talks about ME to Justin and Russ I felt them hug me from behind " he talks about me " i whispered to them even though we're alone.

" every single day " they said at the same time " trust me sometimes we have to stop him or else he would be late for a meeting or something important. " Russ says. " he can talk about all day and never get tired " Justin added.

More tears made there way down my cheeks none of my exes talk about me not even to their parents but here Carlos is talking about me every chance he gets.

Not for a little bit but a whole day if you let him and he never gets tired and does it Every. Single. Day at every chance he gets.

Justin and Russ wipe my tears away " please don't cry we're sorry " they apologize over and over again. " hey it's okay there happy tears and no one ever talk about me let alone  every single day. " I assured them giving them a tight hug.

They take a deep breath relieved to hear it. " we also want to thank you for making him so happy. We have never seen him like this before or talk about someone so much. "

" yeah I like the new him better than the last one it's refreshing to see. So from the bottom of our hearts we like to welcome you to the family " new tears make there way down on my face.

" thank you " I laugh a little wiping the tears away we hug for a couple minutes and pulled away.

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