Chapter two

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Charles pov

It's the afternoon and we're going out for lunch and I'm waiting by the door. We're at this new restaurant waiting for our food.

I feel someone's gaze on me and I turn around and see no one. Our food arrive and we pray before eating and there's no phone's allowed which is boring.

We get ready to leave while waiting for the check dad hands him the money but he shook his head " umm his food is already paid for " we looked at him " what " I mumbled out.

" who paid for it " dad asked stopping the waiter from walking away. " I can't say sir " dad let him go reluctantly and we walked out.

I decided to go with my siblings to a tennis tournament right down block. I feel someone's eyes on me again and look around spotting no one.

After the tournament we walked around the area and stop at a old football field. We climbed over it while Arthur went and bought a ball right by the store across the street.

We called a couple friends and they arrive in no time and we played football we kinda got a crowd. I fell those eyes on me again and get slightly uncomfortable.

I look around closely in the crowd nothing and went back to playing. It got pretty warm and took off my shirt and kept playing a group of women trying to get my attention.

Lorenzo called mom and told her will be a little late for dinner and kept playing till we got tired which was around 1AM we lost track of time.

We got home and our parents yelled at us and asked us where we were. They found out where we were and asked if we're trying to ruin there reputation.

I felt guilty but at the same I had the time of my life we don't get to do this often so if we get an opportunity will take it.

Even if we get in trouble but like they said you only life once make the best of it even if people are gonna judge be your own person.

Some people think is nice to be pastor's son but behind doors is something else. That's why we did it things normal people do we aren't aloud to.

The next morning we got punished for our actions. Mom took my phone, laptop, keyboard and mouse of my computer, my headphones and AirPods.

I had to do all of the downstairs chores while Arthur got the outside and Lorenzo got upstairs well we're occupied for the day.

It had to be squeaky clean without any dust or we have to do it all over again. PS they said everything has to done before they get back or else we don't get our electrons for a month.

I sat down on the couch resting a bit we can't access anything it's like we're in the stone ages. Just because we played football overtime and damage there reputation.

We got done before they arrived and went to our respective rooms. I took a nap that lasted till it was dark outside.

My stomach crumbles and I sneak downstairs and go in the pantry and get a couple snacks. I sneak back up quickly and quietly and turn on my light and see almost everything is back.

I smiled and turn on Netflix watching the notebook while eating snacks. Somewhere in the film I fell sleep with food in my mouth.

I wake up to my alarm blaring and rubbed my eyes and sure enough there's sticky stuff on my hand now on my face.

I get the sticky stuff that's gummy bears of my face and shower and do the rest of my morning routine.

I bring my breakfast in the car and eat while driving I arrive on time. I meet up with my group in the hallway while eating my sandwich.

I held up a finger swolling my food and hugged them right after. " did you read our texts " I shook my head " no mom took it after what we did "

" I got it back late last night " we walked to our respective classrooms. We meet up again in lunch outside going to a café down the street.

We eat and I spot a man standing with his hands behind his back observing the place. weird is there some kind of big celebrity coming here.

Suddenly there was a shooting and I duck down under a table. A few men standing on the table looking around " where are you Charles Leclerc " a man in a scary voice said.

I'm whole body shaking with fear terrified out of mind anything could happen at any moment my hands are shaking uncontrollably.

My friends are trying comfort me but no ones if will make it out alive.

I want to call my mom this may be the last time I hear her voice. Tears in my eyes I hold myself as I buried my face in my knees.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I'm even more terrified and saw it was the same man standing observing the room he had a hand to his mouth telling us to shh.

He sneaked us out safely his on a call with someone " his safe. They know his your weakness. No his with friends they have class in five minutes. Okay yeah bye sir. "

He guided us back to school staying mostly close to me. Who was he on a call with? Why was there a shooting in a middle of a café? How did the shooter know my name?

I have so many questions that will never be answered. I go in the school building with 2 more men they introduced themselves as Micheal and Joe.

Micheal and Joe stand outside my classroom and Nicolas is inside with me. I wanna home to the events of today scared me.

I'm still shaking a little shocked by the events that accord today. The bell rings and I flinched my heart racing I calm myself and walk out.

The guys or bodyguards are around me letting nobody touch me or even stay close to me except my friends.

I'm thankful for them, they safely escort me to my car. I get home checking every corner and room before going in my room.

I use gaming to escape reality but my mom hasn't given it back. I take the extra controller I hid from her and connect it to my phone.

I can't believe it I bought the PlayStation myself with my OWN money that I EARNED and she still takes it because I live in her house. I got lost in the game and see a text from Lorenzo.

" mom coming in your room I'M WARNING YOU NOW " I disconnect the controller fast and hid it under my pillow and go on TikTok.

She came in and returned the rest of my stuff. I thanked her put my phone on the charger and went to sleep at 2AM.

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