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Toby's Diary

Hey journal! No...that's..stupid. Um, Hi! This is Toby James Benson. I'm a Junior at East High and I have
quite possibly, the best girlfriend in the entire universe. She's the one who got me this. Me and Nini
have been dating for a few months now and I'm quite convinced she a real life angel. Anyways,
I'll only write in this when I have something to say and Nini's not around.
She always listens to me... I love her.. like.. a lot.
I'm really lucky to have her as my girlfriend. Uh.. okay. What was I gonna say?
right! The story of how I got this, so, it was my birthday...


"And this is your last present from me." Nini smiled and she handed the square packaging to Toby. Toby quickly unwrapped it and his smile dropped when he saw the diary.

"Oh! A diary...I love it." He said with a fake smile.

"Tubs, I know you hate it."

Toby's smile appeared again "I don't hate it.. I just don't get why you got me a diary."

Nini sighed and held one of Toby's hands. "Don't think of it as a diary.. think of it as.. a journal." He raised a brow

"Is there a difference?" Toby let out a soft chuckle while Nini rolled her eyes.

"I want you to write in it so when we're older and have kids we can share this with them." Nini smiled widely and Toby blushed softly when she mentioned having a life together when they're older.

"Well, now I actually love it." He tilted his head and smiled widely and leaned in to kiss Nini. She put her hand on his cheek and smiled into it. Once they pulled away, Toby smiled again and kissed Nini's hand. "Thank you..."

"For what?" Nini tilted her head

"For everything... for being my girlfriend... for giving me a chance." Nini's smile softened as she heard Toby's answer. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead before turning around and falling into his arms. Toby instantly wrapped his arms around Nini and held her tightly. Nini played with the rings on Toby's fingers before looking back up at Toby.

"Thank you for being you." Toby smiled and rested his head on top of hers. They both sat comfortably on Toby's bed. The only light source coming from the fairy lights Toby had put up when he first moved into his room. Toby's room had posters everywhere, photos of his friends and Nini on his wall, and little crafts that he and Nini made when they were kids.


"Okay, are the matching hats really necessary?" Toby asked as Nini adjusted the beanie on his head.  "And what is it with this music video thing? In my opinion, I think it's kind of odd."

"You also thought that about musicals, but just think, if you never joined the musical, you and I never would've dated." Nini smiled as she finished fixing Toby's hat.

"Fair enough. But still, I think a music video is a little much." Nini sighed as she wrapped her arms around Toby's neck

"How about... if you do the music video, without complaining, you get to choose what movie we watch for movie night."  Toby smiled widely and rested his forehead against Nini's.

"Deal." Nini smiled and kissed Toby before Forrest walked by.

"Hey! No PDA in the music video, okay?" Toby groaned and pulled away from Nini, giving Forrest a death glare. Forrest simply chuckled and walked off, leaving Toby and Nini blushing.

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