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"ALL RIGHT, let's get started!" Carlos said, clipboard in hand. Nobody heard him at first though. "Hello? Let's get started!" Miss Jenn smiled as Carlos walked next to her.

"Okay, Wildcats. Let's shake spring break out of our systems and try the Beast transformation one last time. And remember, this is the triumph of the show, the moment the audience has been waiting for. This has to work." Miss Jenn said, unconfidently. Toby leaned close to Ashlyn.

"No pressure, right?" He chuckled.

"Toby, try not to rush this time. We'll speed it up when you're more confident." Said Miss Jenn. Toby nodded. "Let's take it from... "You came back"" Miss Jenn sat back down in her seat, letting everyone get into their spots. "We'll be fine." Miss Jenn whispered to Carlos. "We still have two weeks until opening night. That's a few days away from three weeks, basically a month. And two weeks after that, we are at the Alan Menken awards, and then we'll see who's number one" Carlos chuckled awkwardly at Miss Jenns words. She seemed very on edge, clearly unconfident in Toby's ability to complete this scene.

"It's your basic two-three-two-one." Carlos replied.

"And we're great, is the point. Okay, go ahead." She whispered, signaling for Toby and Ashlyn to start. Toby adjusted his Beast mask and rest his head on Ashlyn's lap. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"You came back." He said gruffly.

"If only I'd come sooner." Ashlyn replied, looking down at Toby.

"Maybe it's better this way..."

"-Don't talk like that. Everything will be fine." Ashlyn shook her head. Toby mumbled a "no". Ashlyn shushed him quickly and continued "We're together now. You'll see."

"I'm just glad I was able to see your face one last..." Toby pretended to choke. Miss Jenn turned to Sebastian, silently asking him to start playing the piano.

"We are home
"We are where we shall be forever"

As Ashlyn sang, Toby kept getting fur in his mouth. He wiped his mouth multiple times, struggling to remove the hair.

"Trust in me
For you know I won't run away."

Ashlyn noticed how Toby kept putting his hand to his mouth, she then grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest.

"For you know I won't run away"

"Belle, I..."


Toby rolled over on his stomach, his face straight on the ground.

"No, no, please don't leave me. Please." Ashlyn begged. "I love you." She said shakily. Toby then looked up a bit before struggling to get the Beast mask off his head. He grunted and squirmed around the floor. Ashlyn looked around at everyone before using her cloak and covering Toby. Everyone watched as Toby shuffled under Ashlyn's cloak, their faces filled with concern. Not for Toby, but for Toby's acting.

"It's stuck!" He yelled, though his yell was muffled as he was being covered by Ashlyn.

"Rip the Velcro!" Kourtney interjected. Toby did just that, once he ripped the Velcro and took the mask off his head, Ashlyn took her cloak away from Toby, allowing him to breathe. When Toby's head got out, he threw the mask, accidentally hitting Natalie Bagley who fell onto the trees everyone had painted. The cast gasped as they watched the cardboard trees fall down like dominos.

"Cut!" Miss Jenn yelled, clearly frustrated.

"Sorry, Natalie!" Toby quickly apologized.

"It's okay. It was just my face." She replied.

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