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"I JUST cant believe you're leaving again today." Toby groaned as he took off his shirt while Nini was on FaceTime. "Two home-cooked dinners together wasn't enough."

"I know. I was a crazy short Valentine's weekend, right?"

"I wish I could be there to see you off, but, you know..."

"Yeah, I know. School, rehearsals."

"Amongst other things... I literally can't find anything in this house because of Aunt Irene and her new obsession with organizing."

"Oh. Let me guess, you're looking for the purple hoodie?"

"How'd you know?" Toby asked as he squinted his eyes at the phone screen. He watched as Nini picked up the hoodie and showed it to the phone.

"I stole it, Toby. It gets cold in Denver." Toby chuckled

"I thought I gave you one for Christmas!" Nini simply shrugged and hugged the purple hoodie. "You know, you're lucky that I love you and find you absolutely adorable when you steal my things."  Nini blushed and smiled widely. Toby sat down on his bed and smiled back.

"You know, you don't have to keep putting on a smile for me. If this long distance thing is getting hard, we can talk about that."

"I'm smiling because I'm happy for you. Okay? Just promise me we'll keep FaceTiming every day?" Nini chuckled lightly before sitting down.

"You always ask that."

"Yeah, well, I've always got time for your face." Nini smiled widely and shook her head. "Safe travels today. Okay? And don't you forget about, you know, Salt Lake." Nini smiled and grabbed the toy bear she had gotten from Toby and gave it a tight hug, causing Toby to smile.



"Okay, everyone, gather around. We have got a two-hour window before the storm is expected to hit, and I intend to use every minute of it. Big, splashy group numbers always succeed at the Menkie Awards. So we need to workshop a punchy, breathtaking number that will put us in the number one spot." Said Miss Jenn as everyone started to sit down.

"As our head choreographer, I am so happy to announce that today we will,  at last, begin rehearsing one of the most showstopping, iconic, and bar-raising numbers of the entire show." Carlos beamed as he held his clipboard in hand.

"Be Our Guest. Yeah, it's Be Our Guest, guys." Carlos stared a Gina, dumbfounded. "What?"

"Okay! Before we begin. I'm going to tell you a little story about hospitality." Before Miss Jenn continued, Toby shut up from his seat.

"Eli?" Everyone turned to the door. A boy, who looked a lot like Toby, waved. Toby ran to the boy and hugged him tightly.

"Okay." The boy slowly pushed Toby off and put a hand on his shoulder "I don't do hugs." Toby rolled his eyes and threw his arm around the brown haired boys shoulder.

"Toby! Would you like to introduce us to your little friend?" Asked Miss Jenn, clearly ticked off that she was interrupted.

"R-right. Everyone, this is my little brother Elijah. Eli, this is... well... everyone." The cast gasped and murmured to the ones next to them.

"Since when do you have a little brother?" Gina asked, walking up to the brothers. Eli smirked proudly and crossed his arms.

"And who might you be?" He tilted his head. Gina raised her brow.

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