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Toby's Diary

Yup...Nini's leaving. I know I should be happy for her, but how can I? My girlfriend, My rock, my best friend,
is leaving. She's all the way in Denver while I'm here in salt lake. I could've gone with her!...
no I couldn't have. She promised we'd text and call everyday but...it just doesn't
feel the same without her.


"Attention, thespians!" Carlos stood up from the table, "I have a brief announcement!"

"Speech! Speech!" Seb yelled, putting his hands around his mouth.

"After spending the last couple of weeks Google-stalking the Menkie Awards, I've discovered that there is no category for Best Choreography. And since the Menkies is step one to me becoming the first ever winner of a MEGOT..." Toby leaned over to Ashlyn,


"Menkie, Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony," Toby nodded and pulled back to where he was originally sitting.

"I've decided that I will be auditioning to be on stage this year." Carlos continued, "thank you all." Everyone started clapping for him.

"Big Red's trying out too!" Ashlyn exclaimed, grabbing Big Reds hand and waving it in the air.

"Big Ups, Big Red. You gonna teach me some of those allegedly great tap moves?" Big Red chuckled weakly at Gina's comment and said,

"I'm so scared." Toby chuckled.

"Oh, just remember you cannot play Chip, the teacup, since it'd obviously be weird for you to be my son... I mean, I'm probably getting Mrs. Potts." Ashlyn shrugged. "Not that we don't all have an equal shot."

EJ walked over and sat next to Toby. "You're welcome."


"Uh, I've decided to take myself out of running for the Beast. I'm just... I've got a lot on my plate. Which reminds me, I should probably pick a meal plan for Duke."

"Wait, you officially got in?" Before EJ could answer Ashlyn's question, Toby interrupted him.

"And please... no more air quotes." He joked, earning an eye roll from EJ, when Toby processed the words EJ had said, he tilted his head. "Wait... you're not doing the musical either?"

"No. I've only got the bandwidth for a supporting role... Wait, what do you mean "either"?"

"Uh..." Toby cleared his throat and pulled his collar. "I'm, uh, I'm not sure if I'm auditioning this year. You know, once a comic book nerd...right?" Everyone was silent until Gina spoke up,

"Wait, for real?" Toby nodded slowly and pushed his food with his fork, avoiding eye contact with the cast.


Toby hugged Nini tightly as they stood in her room. Nini rubbed his back and sighed softly as they stayed in an embrace. Toby breathed shakily as he pulled away and looked in Nini's eyes. "Hey. I said if you cried, I was gonna cry."

"I-I'm not crying... It's just allergies." He said, wiping his eyes. Nini smiled sadly at him and rubbed his arm.

"Yeah? What are you allergic to?" Toby chuckled softly.

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