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TOBY AND Ashlyn were getting ready. Tonight was opening night and stakes were high. Since Toby and Ashlyn's wrists were both broken after Toby's fall a few nights ago, the musical couldn't be any worse. Miss Jenn had decided not to have understudies, which only made Toby and Ashlyn more nervous.

"A little note for good luck." Nini smiled as she handed a card to Ashlyn.

"I'll take what I can get." Ashlyn sighed.

"Are you guys feeling all right?" She asked, glancing between Toby and Ashlyn.

"Fit as a fiddle." Toby nodded.

"Operating at full capacity." Ashlyn said as she jumped up and down, hoping to get rid of some of her nerves.


"So when the Beast was dying, was she holding him up like this? Or..." Ashlyn tried to maneuver her arms around Toby who was sitting in a chair.

"It was like a Renaissance painting. I have no idea how they did it." Toby replied.

"Is this because of North Highs show last night? I thought it was impressive, but..." Nini started.

"It was like if James Cameron and a circus had a baby." Finished Ashlyn, putting her hands on her hips. Toby scoffed.

"Howie was so good as The Beast, I'm actually rooting against myself tonight." Nini frowned down at him and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Ashlyn, time to bedazzle your wrist." Said Natalie as she grabbed Ashlyn's forearm and pulled her away from Toby and Nini. Toby stood up and scratched the back of his neck, looking down at Nini.

"Hey, and for the record, I-i have a good luck note for you. I just gotta sign it." Nini said.

"Oh! Yep! Same." He replied, pulling out a card from his pocket. Nini took a deep breath.

"Ha! Honestly, it wasn't easy summing up our entire emotional journey up to this point. But I think I finally got it right."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I nailed it." Toby chuckled. In reality, Toby's card had absolutely nothing in it. He was struggling with what he should write. Little did he know, Nini was having the same problem. If you opened up her card, all you could see was white. Toby smiled nervously at Nini and rocked back and forth on his heels. "I should go... Forrest might need some help with his costume."

"Oh, yeah, yeah, no worries. Uh, good luck!" Toby smiled before walking away.


"Wildcats! Villagers! My friends and allies. As you know, there is a judge out there in the audience tonight who is very important to the future of this theater program. He is going to score every performance, our music, our sets, Lord help us, even me. And in two weeks at the Menkies, we could win $50,000." Everyone cheered as Miss Jenn whispered the amount of money everyone could win. "So tonight, we are going to put the "U" in Utah!" The cast's cheers died down. Seb felt bad so he clapped at Miss Jenn's attempt at a joke. "And to Toby and Ashlyn, some words of inspiration. My deep and shameful disappointment in your recent accident has mellowed to a sort of numbness, so there's that." Miss Jenn clasped her hands together as Toby and Ashlyn looked at each other.

"Oh, were those the words of inspiration?" Ashlyn asked.

"Yes, they were!" The group stood in an awkward silence. "Okay. where is LeFou?" Miss Jenn questioned, looking around the circle. Then, Big Red came rushing in with a bottle of pepto bismol in his hands.

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