The 81st Floor..

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Link Start: Danger In Virtual Worlds

Chapter 28: The 81st Floor..

Date: Infinityverse Days 900-940

On the 79th and 80th Floors, nothing fully significant is present in terms of location of what I still recall from those floors. The 81st Floor however contains a small human village with fertile farmland made fertile by a special crystal that even erected a barrier around the village. Near it were lands roamed by creatures the human NPCs called the Millennial Beasts. More on them later. After all, from now on, we would find ourselves much more roped into storyline related events without much other choice. Just a few more floors until GGO's landscape divided across 15 floors would be left behind for.. The Underworld. The Human Empire and Dark Territory.

Back to what happened after POH and Subtilizer appeared to speak what they wanted to do with us to us in order to try to frighten and intimidate us. I nod: "That's right, Kirito. We will not give up. We will overcome all obstacles and escape this game by beating the final boss." But a few minutes into exploring the 79th Floor, something really bad happened to us. From out of nowhere, some kind of giant cage formed to trap all of us. Attempts were immediately made to bust out of it but not a single one succeeded. Instead, even with some of the best miners around in our group, we were just stuck. Jesse sighs: "This isn't good. None of our weapons or pickaxes were able to get us out of here. What's more: building up only caused us to hit a ceiling and this appears to be an anti-crystal and fly zone as well." Genome replies: "There has to be someway for us to break out of here. But I'm not sure how or anyway to figure out a way. Despite all that I've done as a member of the Hanoi, I'm stumped on this problem." But we would never get the chance to try to figure out for a long time because something really horrible and awful happened.. We heard the sounds of monsters.. Not just any monsters but.. bosses.. Field Bosses.. Event Bosses.. Floor Bosses.. Suddenly, everything became pitch black around us. We were almost completely helpless against what we would have to contend with.. Kirito shouts: "Damn it! We're surrounded by all too familiar powerful bosses.. We'll be wiped out if we can't pull off a miracle here!!" I prepare the best I can to fight in the darkness. It's.. going to be so hard to fight in this kind of situation. I've fought during nighttime many times up to now but rarely ever in pitch black, when not even the moonlight can brighten our path.

What's worse is that that wasn't the worst of it.. No.. There was something much worse than that about to happen that made me lose hope in ever beating this death game. While we were still grappling with the fact that we had to fight all of these bosses while trapped inside something with everything being completely pitch black when.. the sound of stabs and screams began to be heard. The others were being stabbed one by one. I yell: "...What's going on?!" But then, I hear and feel a blade stab into me, piercing right through my armor and attacking my skin directly, even making some serious cuts. That all happened so quickly that I couldn't process it all. I just couldn't.. I was overwhelmed by it all and then, just like that, the assailant(s) moved on from me. I scream: "AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGG! NOOOO! Not again.. not again.. NOT AGAAAAAIN! MY ANKLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE!" They got my ankle. I am horrified by that as well as the other injuries I've sustained.. I try to move but my ankle only hurts even worse.. "This can't be happening.. After all of this time.. I suffered so much for accidentally hurting my ankle twice in 2020 and 2021 respectively.. No.. I don't want to live that again.. No.. Make it stop.. Make it go away.." I try to heal myself using a healing potion but nothing happens.. A healing crystal, useful for healing you and your teammates in a party at the same time has no effect either. And yet, despite all of this, the bosses are still coming for us.. I feel a familiar boss's attack hit me and knock me to the ground. I cry out in agony again. Tears fall from my eyes, I start crying a lot. Despite how chaotic I can be. Despite being a dark knight. Despite all of that and more, deep down, I am a big softie when I get sad and bad enough pain often makes me cry. I don't write about that part of it much because I just keep neglecting to.

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