Chaper 26

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"Whirlpool?!" Anemone exclaimed in surprise. Whirlpool turned his head away from the animus-touched spear and towards Tsunami. "Tsunami! I had no idea you were capable of such powerful magic!" Whirlpool said, "We should tell Queen Blister how accomplished you are, she'll be terribly pleased."
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Anemone snapped. "Do you think you're threatening me from in there?" Whirlpool asked. Whirlpool made a face of displease. "I'll tell Mother you tried to kill me, how do you think she'll feel about that? Anemone asked. Whirlpool smirked. "She may find it quite admiral, actually, I was merely trying to ensure that Tsunami would be queen," Whirlpool explained. "Me? You don't even like me!" Tsunami said. "Yes, but frankly I don't want to marry her," Whirlpool snarked. "Hey!" Anemone snapped. Anemone quickly closed her eyes for a few seconds, and opened them back up, with a calm expression. "Don't worry, I'd rather be torn apart by tiger sharks than marry you," Anemone said. "But, you see, I do want to be king, so I thought if I got rid of you, I'd improve my chances of marrying a more agreeable daughter," Whirlpool explained. "I'm NOT agreeable! I don't ever want to marry you!" Tsunami snapped. "Once I tell the queen you you can do, they'll let me have whatever I want," Whirlpool said. "You can't tell them!" Anemone screamed. Umber tried to hold Anemone back as she screamed at Whirlpool, Anemone stopped, and just glared at Whirlpool, the SeaWing was continuously snickering at Anemone when sudden;y Tsunami's spear came out of nowhere and hit Whirlpool in the snout, it knocked out two of his teeth, he was partly knocked about, but still standing, until he fell into the electrified water, the five watched in shock, and Tsunami stood there, Anemone shifted her eyes away from the pool and to Tsunami. "Tsunami? Are you alright?" Anemone worried. Tsunami shifted her eyes from the water and locked her eyes on Anemone, and nodded. "Um. . . You might be able to get through the water now," Moon said. "Really? Why?" Anemone asked. "The eels need to recharge, I think," Moon explained. Anemone and the other three dragonets gave Moon a questioning look. "The guards must have a switch or something to turn off the water, so one of us could go through and turn off the waterfall," Moon explained, "But I'm not sure, I'm sorry, I wouldn't listen to me."
"But Moon, you know everything, I'm sure you're right," Anemone said, "I could go through and turn off the waterfall, then it would only be me risking it."
"But I was my idea, and if I'm wrong, shouldn't I-
Moon stopped herself. "Don't be silly, this is my kingdom, I'm responsible for doing the crazy things here," Anemone said. Anemone glanced at Tsunami, then at the switch behind her. I have to help my sister, Anemone thought, But if I die, what happens to the others?
Anemone put her talon to her face in defeat, then shifted her eyes up. "Alright, let's have a vote," Anemone said. "I believe Moon, I think you can make it through, definitely," Ostrich said. "Well, I want to get out of here, and I'm willing to risk Anemone's bossy scales to do it," Kinkajou said. "You're too important to us, Anemone, I don't think you should," Umber said. "Well, that doesn't help, some council you turned out to be," Anemone muttered. But I know what I should do, Anemone thought, I listened to them, now I have to decide.
Anemone glanced at the switch, and she quickly jumped through the water and landed right in front of Tsunami. "You have to get out of here!" Anemone said. Tsunami was going to leave, but was reluctant. "But one day-
"One day very soon, this war will be over, we're going to end it, trust me," Anemone said. Anemone wrapped her wings around the dragonet. "Now go find Mother, so you have an alibi when we escape," Anemone said. "Good luck," Tsunami whispered. Tsunami broke free from Anemone's wings and ran to their mother, Anemone shifted her eyes around the room, looking for the switch to the prison, Anemone laid her eyes of the switch to her and her friends prison, she could hear the MudWing prisoner asking her to open theirs too, but Anemone ignored them, and kr, kr, kr, klank went the water, and whoosh! went Ostrich. "What about me?" The MudWing prisoner called to Anemone. The five walked into the tunnel, ignoring the MudWing prisoner. I don't know why these prisoners are here or if they deserve it, Anemone thought, Except for two of them.
Pike and Webs are here somewhere.
"Did anyone see Pike and Webs on the way in?" Anemone asked. "I did, they're right by the entrance," Umber said. The five walked towards the entrance into the prison, and there was Pike and Webs, when they walked towards the prison, Ostrich's ears twitched. "There it is again, don't you all hear that?" Ostrich asked. "Hear what?" Umber asked. "I don't know, I keep hearing-" Ostrich stopped herself for a second, "Wingbeats?"
"There are SeaWings flying all over the palace," Moon said. "I know, this is bigger, higher-
"Don't worry so much, you're probably imagining it," Anemone said. Ostrich shifted her eyes up. "No, I'm sure, I hear wingbeats above the canopy, lots and lots of them," Ostrich said. "Ostrich-
"I think she's right," Umber said as his ears began to twitch. "I smell fire," Moon muttered. Anemone's pupils dilated, she ran fast towards the two SeaWing guards. "Look out! Warn the palace!" Anemone yelled, "Move! Do something!"
Anemone ran to the front of the entrance to the prison. "SeaWings! Mother! Look out! We're under attack!" Anemone screamed to the top of her lungs. But she was to late, a large firebomb came crashing through the canopy.

Wings Of Fire | #2 | The Lost Heir | Switched Dragonets AUWhere stories live. Discover now