Fantasmical Character

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Name / Age / Gender:

Petibone, between 25-30, female

Petibone, between 25-30, female

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Ancestry / Ethnicity:

Petibone's race is a goblin. Goblins are usually small, green, long-eared creatures smaller than an orc, actually smaller than everyone, but at least their skin and ears are green. Our protagonist doesn't have noble lineage; she only knows about her mother's bloodline, who sang in a tavern in her prime but now only cooks because no one wants an old, hunchbacked singer. She knows nothing about her father; no matter how much she asks her mother, she just shakes her head and remains silent.

Physical attributes:

Our protagonist, Petibone, is a goblin of unique stature. Towering over her kin, she can even see the tops of dwarves' heads. Her slender frame, though bearing goblin traits, hints at a grace uncommon among her kind. Her hair, sparse and unruly, is always concealed under a hat or cap.

Education / Career:

Extremely smart, she remembers things very quickly. In her youth, she was often sent with messages, initially just among the residents, but word quickly spread about how skilled she was, so she was taken to the royal court as a messenger. When she once had to memorize a whole page of text in a foreign language and did so without any trouble, the king himself noticed her unique ability, so she became part of the elite messengers who travel abroad, often on secret missions. Petibone loves this job and enjoys traveling and seeing the world.

Personality / Quirks:

Not only in stature but also in personality, she is not a typical goblin (whatever that might mean, but you undoubtedly have an idea). She loves plants and flowers. If she can, she prefers to be vegetarian if given the choice because among goblins, especially in her youth, it wasn't an option whether to eat meat or not. Speaking of her youth, she often got beaten by her mother because if a bug or fly wandered into their miserable little shack and her mother asked her to swat it, she would instead catch it carefully to avoid hurting the little creature and release it outside. Her mother believed the bug would surely come back, but she thought no one would voluntarily come into their house unless by mistake. She also picked up snails from the busy roads and carried them across so they wouldn't get crushed by chariots or horses.

She has no friends and is being ostracized because of her appearance and peculiarities.

Skills / Interests / Hobbies:

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Skills / Interests / Hobbies:

You mostly encounter her on missions, dressed in her adventurer's clothes, delivering messages to secret places. If not on a mission, she can be found reading in the royal library. She has read many books, once going through a phase of romantic knight novels, imagining herself in the place of princesses, but quickly realizing she wasn't the princess type. Handsome men didn't look at her; if they did, it was just to marvel at her height. And goblins in novels are always some ugly, annoying side characters besides the orcs. Another favorite reading material is descriptions of devices, such as how to make explosive devices. She quickly learned all the tricks of making explosive devices and always carried an armed one in her backpack in case she got into trouble during a quest. And she has used it before, against orcs who unfortunately didn't find her hideous or strange, but rather attractive and pretty. This crude approach did not please Petibone, so she had blown up a few dozen orcs on her travels. This is a strange contradiction; she couldn't hurt bugs or snails, but when she saw an orc, she instinctively reached for her backpack...

Likes / Dislikes:

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Likes / Dislikes:

She liked to browse markets, looking for strange wares. Or just watching the bustling crowd and the many different figures. Her favorites were the elves; she wished she looked like them. She envied their beauty and grace. What really disturbed her was a young dark elf who accidentally bumped into her in the market crowd. He caught her arm to prevent her from falling, looked into her eyes, and apologized. The dark elf's gaze and kindness lingered with her; Petibone became hopelessly in love, even though she never saw him again, but every time she saw a dark elf man, she flinched.

Strengths / Weaknesses:

Her strength is her quick thinking, but this speed is also her weakness because she gets angry very quickly, and we know what happens then; she doesn't just figuratively explode...

Petibone is working on this flaw, trying to be deliberate, as she observed from elf women, even trying to eat slowly with measured movements. Usually, she eats very quickly, almost gobbling down her food.

Fears / Aversions:

Our protagonist fears that one day she will meet his dark elf again and won't know what to say to him (though she always thinks about it), and she also fears that she will never see him again.

Other abilities / Special Powers:

She often experiences that what she dreams at night comes true the next day, like a prophetic dream. Her dream is not fulfilled, but it's as if she sees the future. She hates dreaming; she is in a bad mood after strange dreams.

*Pictures made by Hotpot AI

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*Pictures made by Hotpot AI. I don't own them.

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