3. The mirror _Citifiedfantasy

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Prompt: Within the confines of a crime-filled city, you and your team stumble across a mythical relic of mythical abilities, capable of granting any wishes. But remember, nothing comes without a price to pay.


Aden was not among my favorite places because it was home to the most notorious gangs. Nonetheless, I was sent there by none other than the king's younger son, Sol, who entrusted me with delivering a message to Damian, the leader of the Loyalty gang.

I knew I had to stay hidden to avoid other gangs' detection, so I planned to blend in until I found my target. That's when I ran into Sessom, one of the king's soldiers, who seemed embarrassed, as if worried I'd recognize him. I didn't want to encounter anyone familiar, so we stood awkwardly. Sessom was heading to the Four Sepulchers with a strange group to look for a missing friend. They treated me like one of their own once they realized I knew the soldier, which puzzled me. Despite not wanting to accompany them, I didn't want to disappoint them either.

The group was quite amusing, especially Dupe, who was half-human, half-dragon, claiming he turned into a dragon at night and a goofy brown-winged human by day. Tobi, the dwarf, was also funny and constantly worried about being late from somewhere. There was also a grumpy elf girl who kept glaring at me. I watched Keenan, the orc, with concern until I found out he was married to Nerina, the wizard, which reassured me.

Nerina had business at the bazaar, so I accompanied her while the others stayed behind to watch the performers. Dupe joined us. They were the friendliest in the group, and I was glad the soldier stayed behind and didn't ask questions, likely suspecting I was on a mission to deliver a message.

Aden's streets were crowded, a labyrinth of narrow paths, with the stifling heat eased by a pleasant sea breeze. The city was charming with its many flowers, ornate white buildings, and the blue-green sea. The view was almost idyllic until one encountered a suspicious-looking individual and wondered which clan they belonged to or if they were an assassin. I surveyed the area, noting the layout, realizing it would be harder to find Loyalty than I thought.

I wanted to stay and browse the bazaar but ended up accompanying my companions to the wizard's shop. I love such shops and their strange, exciting wares. After a long whispering conversation, Nerina disappeared with the shop owner, an old woman. Dupe and I stayed, browsing.

"Will this take long, you think?" I asked the winged man, who was trying not to knock anything over on the small shelves.

"I hope not; I have bad memories of this place. I bought a potion from an old woman like this one here that prevented me from fully turning human."

"Do you really want to be human? If I could choose, I'd be a dragon. Or even more, an elf girl..." I wasn't satisfied with my appearance either.

"An elf girl? I bet you want to be different, too! I can see it in you; you understand me!" Dupe replied, and we both knew we shared similar feelings.

Just then, the door opened, and a girl entered, carrying something carefully wrapped in paper under her arm. She looked sad, perhaps more confused, and when she saw the old woman wasn't there, she cautiously placed the package on the counter. "Would you be so kind as to give this to the shop owner?" Her voice sounded like an old woman's, but she looked young.

"You can wait; she should be back any minute," Dupe replied. I expected him to tell her his life story and invite her to join us.

"I'm in a hurry, darling; I just want to be rid of this..." she replied, her voice trembling.

"What is it?" Dupe asked, moving closer to the package. He reached to unwrap it, but the girl swiftly grabbed his hand.

"Be careful; this is no toy! But if you're that curious, I can sell it to you." She unwrapped the brown paper, revealing a small mirror. "This is a magic mirror. It grants any wish."

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