2. The fight_Antiheroesgalore

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Prompt: You enter an underground fighting ring, hoping to gain intel on a target, but this time you may have bitten off more than you can chew.


I hadn't received an assignment for weeks, and I was starting to get bored, even though sometimes I wished I could be home, kicking back with a book or mingling in the bustling market. Doing those things too long wasn't good either; I missed the adventure and excitement.

Then, one day, I met Luther, one of my companions. It was strange because we usually never see each other; someone was always on an assignment, so I barely knew the other messengers. Luther was also surprised to see me, and though his stern face didn't show it much, the tip of his mustache twitched as he leaned closer to me: "Did they ask you if you'd take on the underground fighting ring mission?"

At first, I was puzzled about why he was whispering, but then I realized we don't usually talk about work, so he probably wanted to be discreet.

"No, not yet," I whispered back, curious about what kind of mission this could be.

"I didn't take it. I assume they'll ask you too... I think it's crazy and risky. You can only pull it off if you join as a fighter yourself." Luther gave me a look, suggesting he didn't think I could handle it, and regretted bringing it up.

"Oh, I see... And there are no other missions on the horizon? I'm starting to get bored," I replied, thinking that no one else would believe in me either since I'd been idle for a while, yet they had asked Luther, who had just returned from the last mission.

"No, nothing else. They'll let us know if there's something. Until then, I'm resting," Luther replied and said goodbye.

I didn't like that they hadn't even asked me about this task, thinking I wouldn't be capable of it. The more I thought about it, the stronger my desire to prove myself grew. So, when I saw our liaison, who usually hands out assignments, in the courtyard, I quickly hurried after him. "Folwell, it's great that we ran into each other!" I blurted out as if I had bumped into him by chance. "Is there a task? I'm getting really bored..."

Folwell stopped, pondered momentarily, and then replied decisively, "No, there's nothing." He started to walk away, but I was too angry to let it go.

"Are you sure? Not even a tiny little mission?" I asked hopefully, not wanting to reveal that I knew about the task.

He stopped and measured me once more. "Did Luther tell you?"

I nodded, and he continued, "Did he also tell you what needs to be done?"

"Only that it's about getting information from the underground fighting ring and that you have to fight too," I said, trying to sound as resolute as possible.

"And you would take it? That's what this is about? Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered me..."

"Yes, I want to. I can fight; I'm quick. I'll outmaneuver them," I insisted.

"Since the king has been pestering me and there's no one else I can send right now, fine. But the matter is very discreet! There are rumors that the king's nephew has joined as a fighter. This is completely unacceptable. You need to find out if this is true."

"Okay, I'll do it! It sounds simple enough; I'll go down, find him, confirm if it's him, and come back."

"You haven't thought this through! You can't just get into the underground fighting ring so easily. You need to blend in and pose as a fighter. And it's likely they won't even accept you," Folwell said, waving dismissively.

"Please, let me try!" I insisted, wanting to prove myself. I didn't like being pigeonholed so easily.

"Fine, deliver the message if you find him. It goes like this: 'If you don't give up this fighting madness, which is tarnishing the royal family's reputation, you will be disowned by the king himself!'"

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