chapter 17: yamaguchis pov

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school is so boring especially since me and tsuki got separated for talking too much. it sucks because without him im not too good in class but when we have free time/lunch we catch up and he helps me plus after school we go to eachothers houses and study. its awesome because hes so smart and i suck at english and hes really good at english so hes helpful. the teacher says something about the feild trip tomorrow. hinata and kageyama came in our class to give their permission slips which i thought was funny and typical of them to wait till last minute to turn them in. i cant wait for the feild trip. its at a beach and theres groups of 5 and every group gets a little beach house to stay at for the whole week. you're allowed to be in groups with people from other classes so i somehow convinced tsuki to be in a group with hinata and kageyama. as well as yachi. it would make sense considering we're all so close more or less and see eachother everyday anyways because of volleyball. im suprised yachi agreed to be in our group cause she has alot of friends in her class. i dont really talk to too many people aside from the team. i think part of me is still scared of people bullying me. luckily i have tsuki and no one wants to mess with him. hinata makes friends wherever he goes. kageyama is awkward and doesn't really know how to read social cues but he tries his best. im excited for the feild trip its going to be the best week ever!

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