Part 7

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A/N: Here, is a treeatttt: A spike chapter! these'll pop up every now and then throughout the book! Enjoy!

The sun slowly beamed through Spike's window, catching a glimpse of his eyes. "Alright, I'm up." He slowly stretched and walked over to the mirror. The same crooked eared, pink muzzled, scruffy furred pitbull stared back at him. Spike checked the weather on his phone. 45°. He slipped on a flannel blue hoodie, the one he got from Jinx for his last birthday. He brushed his teeth and bumbled downstairs, as his brother, Kieran, was already downstairs. Kieran was a 4 year old Newfoundland, and always peppy and excited for what was to happen next. "Hi, Spike! Do you w-r-remember today?" He exclaimed, tail wagging with anticipation. "Hmm... I don't know." Spike lied, knowing today was Kieran's birthday. "It's my birthday, silly!
 That's why Papa is buying doughnuts for breakfast!" Kieran exclaimed, even more hyper. As if on queue, Spike's dad, Leon, walked in. "Who wants doughnuts!?" Leon grinned. "I'll take one." Spike yawned. "Where's your energy, leave it at home today?" Joked Leon. Spike laughed a little and took a glazed donut. 

"I've gotta catch the bus soon. I'll see ya, Kier!" Jinx said, running out the door, with an enthusiastic wave from the Newf pup. He soon sat at the bus stop, tossing a tennis ball and munching on his doughnut. "Yo! Spikey! Toss me the ball!" Shouted a voice. He groaned. It was Bone, a popular tough boy. Spike tossed the ball, which hit Bone square in the jaw. "Ow, CRAP! Bro, what's your deal?" Exclaimed Bone. "I'm not doin' this crap today, bro." Snarled Spike through gritted teeth. "Alright, sheesh. You aren't worth my time." Bone scrambled off, rolling his eyes and sending the ball careening towards Spike, who dodged out of the way as the ball slammed into the bus shelter, causing a husky to shout, "Watch it, dude!". Bone and his goons laughed. Spike just rolled his eyes and mumbled something. "Hey, you." The husky said. Spike turned warily. "You're new, right? My name's Winter." He said. "I'm Spike." He greeted. "So, how'd you get here, Spike?" Asked Winter. "I was adopted by a family here. The Newfoundlands." Said Spike. "Cool." Winter smiled. The two continually chatted and talked, until Spike's phone buzzed. 

"Who's that?" Asked Winter. "My friend. I think." Spike checked, making sure it was Jinx. 

Jinx: Hi

Spike: Hey pookie

Jinx: U at the bus stop?

Spike: Ye why are u texting isn't it like 4 in the morning for u

Jinx: 4:56 and Ma sisters get up so damn early bro

Spike: Oh man Kieran gets up the same time as me bro

Jinx: aussies just built different from my american ass lol

Spike: 🤣

"What's their name?" Asked Winter. "Jinx. We've been best friends for like...forever. We were roomies for like, ten years." Spike said, his head in the clouds thinking. Spike really did love Jinx. A lot. Almost as if they were more than a friend... Spike envisioned the two close together, in a warm-NO! Snap outta it, Spike! You're straight, aren't you? "Hey, um, Spike?" Winter said, his voice breaking Spike's daydream. "You're...blushing a little? Are you alright?" Winter said, tilting his head in confusion. Spike felt himself grow hot. "No! I mean- Yes! I am not thinking of a romantic relationship with my best friend!" He sputtered. Winter smirked a little. "Oookay?" He replied. 

"Look, man, if you're gay I totally support that! I'm like, a transmasc, and gay, so I'm cool with that." Winter said, attempting to reassure Spike. "Oh, that's cool with me. Jinx is actually enby and I'm the first person they came out to, so, like, yeah. Gay rights, Trans rights." Spike said, nodding. Winter's lips curled into a smile, as he high fived Spike. "You know what? I think you're pretty damn cool."

A/N: I was bored so I drew Kieran:

A/N: I was bored so I drew Kieran:

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