Part 11

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Galactic_Slowbro . It was his idea and I hope he's ok. Galactic_Slowbro, If you're reading this, this one's for you ❤️. Enjoy, everyone!

"Alright, class, we're heading to the kindy today, for your buddies! The kids have never had high school buddies before, and they're really excited!" Said Mr. Klee-Kai, as he led the group of kids to the busses. "So, Jinx, your sister Bluey's in this group?" Asked Sunny. "Oh, yeah, I guess I can meet a few more of her friends. The only ones I know are Mackenzie and Chloe, since Mackenzie went hiking with us last weekend and Chloe comes over every saturday." Answered Jinx. "So, which one of them does she talk about the most?" Asked Sunny, playing with the pins on his beanie. (which he was still wearing in 85 degree heat somehow.) "Probably Rusty. She's been on about his dad and how he beat B-Dad, at cricket, like, seven games in a row. I think it's pretty funny that an eight year old could beat a full grown man at a sport." Laughed Jinx. Sunny nodded, smiling a bit. Soon, the group boarded the bus, and the two were joined by Finley and Aspen. "Ugh, I hope I'm not paired with this girl named Judo. My older sibling Snail always says that when they volunteer there, she's super bossy and shit-" Finley was cut off by the bus driver. "Language, Miss Spaniel!" Finley rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath which Jinx could make out multiple words Mako says he will not list because this book isn't rated mature. 

A/N: Yeah...Finley def has a temper.

Soon, the group was pulling up to the school, which had a group of excited kids talking, playing, and more. Jinx could make out Bluey, Mackenzie, and Chloe...a Red Kelpie...a afghan hound. A lot of kids. They all left the bus, and started to greet the kids. "Jinx! Hi! Hi, Jinx's friends!" Bluey waved excitedly. Sunny smiled and waved back. "Hey, Bluey!" Exclaimed Jinx. "Alright. Everyone, we're going assign you buddies." Said the Australian shepherd that seemed to be the teacher of the kids. "Winton, your buddy is Sunny. He's the one in the hat." Winton, the bulldog, walked over and started to introduce himself. The two walked off, talking. The australian shepherd-Calypso-kept listing people, until she came to Jinx's name. "Jack, your buddy is Jinx. They're the one with the red nails." A friendly-looking Jack Russell walked over and waved. "Hi! I'm Jack." He said, smiling. "I'm Jinx! You know Bluey, I'm her big sibling!" Said Jinx. "So what do you want to do?" Asked Jinx. " best friend Rusty and his buddy are over there! We could play Army with him!" Jack pointed to the Kelpie, who was talking to a tall, lanky Rhodesian Ridgeback, that Jinx knew as Asher. "Yeah, sure!"

The two dogs made their way over to Asher and Rusty, who were talking to each other. "Hi, Jack!" Said Rusty, who went over and fist-bumped Jack. "Hi. Jinx, right?" Said Asher. "Yeah, Asher, right?" Said Jinx, as they shook Asher's hand. "So, who are we in army?" Asked Asher. "Rusty's the commander! And I'm Private Russel! And you guys are...Recruit..." "Ridgeback!" said Asher. "Recruit Ridgeback and Recruit.." "Shepherd!" Said Jinx. "Recruit Shepherd!" Finished Jack. Rusty cleared his throat and shouted, "Alright! Recruits! March!" The two marched in place. "Ten HUT!" They looked at Rusty. "Salute!" The two saluted. "Alright, soldiers! Let's move!" "Yes, SIR!"

The group started to march through the field, and soon as the group snuck through a clearing, a small turkey walked out. It sqawked. "ENEMY! RETREATTTTT!" Called rusty. The group started to run. Jinx was surprised at how fast Jack was. He sped past the other three, even Asher, who Jinx was sure was on the track team. Rusty soon led the group to a small hill with a treehouse on it.  "Alright, soldiers! Recruit Shepherd, Private Russel, you're on sentry duty! Recruit Ridgeback and I will rest!" And with that, Rusty and Asher both left up into the treehouse. "Alright, so are we guarding the other soldiers?" Asked Jinx. Jack nodded enthusiastically. The two sat, watching the wind brushing over the grass, Jack staring off, seeming to have spaced out. "Hey. You alright?" Asked Jinx. Jack snapped back, looking over at them. "Oh. Yeah, sorry. I do that sometimes." He said. "No need to apologize. It's not your fault, Jack. I space out sometimes too." Reassured Jinx. "Are me?"

"Well, what do you mean by that?" Asked Jinx. "I can't sit still, I forget things, I get distracted's why I'm here." Jack looked up, trailing off. Oh. Ohhhhhh. He definitely has adhd, doesn't he? "Well...sort of. I have what you have, but mainly the forgetting things and distracted easily, and I can't pay attention to stuff I find boring." Said Jinx, Leaning back into the grass. "I've never met someone like me before." Confessed Jack, as he looked at Jinx. "Just're not alone, Jack. Rusty and Mackenzie and Me and Asher and Bluey, and all of your friends have your back." 

Suddenly, the little jack russel embraced them into a hug. Jinx, after a moment of shock, returned it. After a few more minutes of Jack telling Jinx about all of Rusty and his experiences playing Army and battling the terriers and making up stories about the two battling evil knights and soldiers, eventually winning and saving the day, Rusty and Asher left the treehouse to continue the game. Eventually, the group ended up finishing scouting just in time for the buddies to leave. "Bye, Jinx!!" Jack and Jinx high fived as Jinx left, and they got on the bus. 

I've never thought of myself as any kind of 'cool older kid' or anything, but I hope I made that kid feel just a little better about himself today.

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