chapter 1

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*The scene opens to an elegantly furnished living room. The decor is modern with a touch of classic charm. Bookshelves line the walls, filled with law books and a few personal mementos. The large windows provide a stunning view of the Los Angeles skyline. LUCY CHEN, a sharp and confident defense attorney, is reviewing a case file on her sleek coffee table. She is dressed in a stylish yet professional outfit. Enter TIM BRADFORD, her neighbor and secret boyfriend, a rugged and disciplined Metro Sergeant, wearing casual clothes that hint at his tough profession. They exchange warm smiles as Tim sits down next to her, his eyes filled with admiration.*

(leaning in)
Long day at the office?

(smiling, glancing at the file)
You could say that. The new case is a real puzzle. High-profile, lots of media attention.

Sounds like your kind of challenge.

And what about you? Keeping the city safe as usual?

Just another day in paradise.

*They share a quiet laugh. Tim reaches out and gently takes her hand.*

Lucy, you know you can always talk to me about anything. Even the tough cases.

(squeezing his hand)
I know, Tim. It's just... this one is different. The evidence is shaky, and the client is scared. I need to find a way to make the jury see the truth.

If anyone can do it, it's you. You're the best defense attorney in all of LA for a reason.

*Lucy looks into his eyes, her expression softening.*

Thanks, Tim. I don't know what I'd do without you.

(brushing a strand of hair from her face)
You're stronger than you think, Lucy. And I'll always be here for you, no matter what.

*They share a tender moment, the love and support between them palpable. Suddenly, Lucy's phone buzzes, breaking the moment. She picks it up and reads a message, her expression shifting to one of concern.*

It's the office. They need me to review some new evidence right away.

(disappointed but understanding)
Duty calls.

(nods, standing up)
Yeah. But I'll be back soon. Promise.

*Tim stands up as well, pulling her into a gentle embrace.*

(kissing her forehead)
I'll be here. Always.

(smiling up at him)
That's all I need to hear.

*They share a quick kiss before Lucy grabs her coat and heads for the door. Tim watches her leave, a look of pride and love on his face.*

(to himself)
Stay safe, Lucy.


*The scene shifts to Lucy's law office, a modern space with glass walls and minimalist decor. The city lights shine through the large windows, illuminating the room. LUCY enters, looking determined. BAILEY Nune, her assistant and best friend, is waiting for her with a file in hand. Bailey is efficient and supportive, always ready to help Lucy with whatever she needs.*

(smiling warmly)
Hey, Lucy. I’ve got the new evidence for the Jenkins case.

(taking the file)
Thanks, Bailey. I hope it's something we can use.

I think you'll find it interesting. It's a video from a nearby security camera. It might help establish an alibi.

*Lucy opens the file and quickly scans through the contents, her expression shifting from worry to cautious optimism.*

(eyes widening)
This... this could be exactly what we need. If we can prove he was there, it changes everything.

I thought so too. I already made copies and sent them to our forensic expert for verification.

(smiling gratefully)
You’re a lifesaver, Bailey. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Probably still be sorting through mountains of paperwork.

*They share a laugh, the tension easing for a moment. Lucy's phone buzzes again, and she glances at it. A text from Tim: "Thinking of you. You’ve got this." She smiles and puts the phone away.*

Alright, let's get to work. We need to prepare a solid defense strategy. Time is not on our side.

I’ve already started drafting some motions. Want to go over them?

(rolling up her sleeves)
Absolutely. Let's make sure we cover every angle.

*The two women dive into their work, spreading out documents and brainstorming ideas.

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