chapter 4

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A week passes


*The scene opens with Lucy walking confidently into the LAPD interrogation room, a folder in hand. She has maintained her professional demeanor despite the emotional turmoil of the past week. As she steps inside, her eyes widen slightly when she sees Detectives Angela Lopez and Nyla Harper sitting across from her client. Her gaze briefly meets Tim's, who is also seated there. An awkward tension fills the room.*

(looking up)
Ms. Chen. Good to see you again.

We were just about to start.

*Lucy takes a deep breath, regaining her composure, and walks to sit beside her client. She opens her folder and lays it out on the table, her voice steady and professional.*

(looking at her client, then at the detectives)
What are the charges against my client?

(clearing his throat)
Your client is suspected of involvement in a robbery that took place last week. We have a witness who can place him at the scene.

*Lucy's eyes flash with determination as she glances at Tim, then back to her client.*

I’d like to see the witness statement and any evidence you have.

*Angela hands over a file, and Lucy begins to review it. She feels Tim’s eyes on her but refuses to look up. The tension between them is palpable, though the detectives seem focused on the task at hand.*

(crossing her arms)
We have CCTV footage that shows your client near the scene. Combined with the witness statement, it's pretty compelling.

(looking up from the file)
Compelling, maybe, but not conclusive. Proximity to the scene doesn't prove involvement. I'll need a copy of that footage for my own analysis.

*Tim shifts uncomfortably in his seat, clearly affected by Lucy's cold professionalism. Angela and Nyla exchange glances, sensing the underlying tension but staying focused.*

We'll provide you with the footage. But your client will need to remain in custody for now.

(standing up, addressing her client)
Don't say anything more until we've had a chance to review everything. I’ll get you out of here.

*Her client nods, and Lucy begins to gather her things. Tim finally speaks up, his voice softer than before.*


*Lucy pauses, her back to Tim, her expression hardening. She takes a deep breath before turning to face him, her professional mask firmly in place.*

I'll be in touch once we've reviewed the evidence.

*Without another word, she exits the room, leaving Tim, Angela, and Nyla to deal with the aftermath of her departure. As the door closes behind her, the camera lingers on Tim's troubled expression, hinting at the unresolved emotions between them.*

*The door closes behind Lucy, leaving Tim, Angela, and Nyla in the room. The atmosphere is thick with unspoken tension. Angela and Nyla exchange curious glances before turning their attention to Tim, who is staring at the closed door with a troubled expression.*

Okay, Tim, what was that all about?

Yeah, there was definitely something going on between you two.

*Tim shifts uncomfortably, then straightens up, his face hardening into a cold mask.*

My personal life is no one's business. Let's focus on the case.

*Angela raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but knowing better than to push further. Nyla, too, senses the finality in Tim's tone and decides to drop the subject.*

Alright, if you say so. Let's get this footage to Lucy’s office and see what she finds.

Agreed. We need to make sure everything is airtight.

*They gather their files and evidence, preparing to move forward with the case. Tim’s expression remains stoic, but his eyes reveal the conflict brewing within him. As they exit the room, the camera lingers on Tim, capturing the moment of internal struggle he tries to keep hidden from his colleagues.*

*Lucy walks through the bustling bullpen, her heels clicking against the floor as she navigates through the busy officers and detectives. Her focus is on getting to her next appointment, but she senses the tension in the room. Suddenly, DETECTIVE REYNOLDS, a seasoned and stern-looking officer, steps in front of her, blocking her path. His face is flushed with anger.*

(raising his voice)
Chen! I need a word with you.

*Lucy stops, looking at him with a mix of surprise and annoyance. She glances around, noticing that their confrontation is drawing the attention of others in the bullpen.*

Detective Reynolds, what can I do for you?

What you can do is explain why you had to go and get our case thrown out. That guy was guilty as hell, and you know it!

*Lucy takes a deep breath, maintaining her composure despite Reynolds’ aggression.*

I did my job, Detective. My client had a right to a fair defense, and there wasn't enough evidence to hold him. If your case was thrown out, it's because the prosecution didn't have the evidence to convict.

Don’t give me that legal crap. You’re just out to make us look bad. Do you even care about the victims?

*Lucy’s eyes flash with anger, but she keeps her voice steady.*

Of course I care about the victims. But I also care about justice, and that means making sure the system works fairly for everyone, not just for those you think are guilty.

*The tension between them is palpable. Officers and detectives around them pause their work, watching the confrontation unfold. Tim, who has been observing from his desk, stands up and starts to make his way over, his expression darkening.*

You're just making excuses. If you had any integrity, you'd be helping us put these criminals away, not letting them walk free.

Integrity is exactly why I do what I do. If you have a problem with the system, take it up with the DA, not with me.

*Tim reaches them, stepping between Lucy and Detective Reynolds, his presence commanding immediate attention.*

(looking at Reynolds, coldly)
That's enough, Reynolds. This isn’t the place for this conversation.

*Reynolds glares at Tim, but the intensity in Tim's eyes makes him back down slightly.*

Fine. But this isn’t over.

*Reynolds turns and storms off, leaving a tense silence in his wake. Lucy takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Tim looks at her, concern etched on his face.*

What happens next?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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