chapter 3

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*The scene opens in Lucy’s stylish bedroom. The room is well-organized with a touch of elegance. Lucy stands in front of her full-length mirror, holding up different outfits. She finally settles on a mini black skirt and a wine red crop top, knowing how much Tim loves it when she wears this particular ensemble. She puts on the outfit, checking her reflection one last time. Her hair is styled perfectly, and she adds a final touch of makeup before grabbing her purse and heading out.*


*Lucy steps out of her apartment building, the evening light casting a soft glow on her. She walks with confidence, her heels clicking rhythmically against the pavement. The streets of LA are alive with activity, but Lucy is focused, anticipation building as she approaches Tim’s house.*


*Lucy arrives at Tim’s house, a modest yet charming home with a welcoming aura. She takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. A moment later, the door opens to reveal Tim, who is dressed casually but neatly, his eyes lighting up as he sees her.*

(smiling warmly)
Hey. You look amazing.

(blushing slightly)
Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.

*Tim steps aside to let her in, and Lucy walks past him, the scent of something delicious cooking wafting through the air.*


*The living room is cozy and inviting, with personal touches that reflect Tim’s personality. A dining table is set elegantly in the adjoining room, candles adding a warm glow to the setting. Tim closes the door and turns to Lucy, his expression softening.*

I hope you’re hungry. I made your favorite.

You know I am. It smells incredible.

*They walk together to the dining table, and Tim pulls out a chair for Lucy. She sits down, looking around and appreciating the effort he has put into the evening.*

You’ve really outdone yourself, Bradford. Trying to impress me?

(sitting down across from her)

*They share a laugh, the tension of the day melting away as they relax into each other’s company. Tim pours them both a glass of wine and raises his glass.*

(raising his glass)
To us. And to handling whatever life throws our way.

(clinking her glass with his)
To us.

*They take a sip, their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them. The scene slowly fades out, capturing the warmth and intimacy of their moment together

*Tim and Lucy are seated at the dining table, enjoying their meal. The atmosphere is intimate, with candlelight casting a warm glow on their faces. They eat in comfortable silence for a moment, savoring the food and each other's company.*

(looking up from his plate)
You were pretty amazing back at the station today.

(smiling modestly)
Thanks, but I hope I wasn't too hard on the detectives.

(shaking his head)
Not at all. You did what you had to do. They respect that, even if they don't show it.

*Lucy sighs, a mix of relief and lingering tension in her expression.*

(continuing, more serious)
If anyone at the station found out I was... sleeping with the enemy...

(interrupting, a hint of concern in her voice)
Are you ashamed of being with me?

(shaking his head, squeezing her hand)
No, Lucy. It's just... cops see defense lawyers as the enemy. It's ingrained in us. But I don't see you that way. You're not just a lawyer; you're... you're everything to me.

*Lucy’s eyes soften for a moment, but then she looks away, conflicted.*

You know, I think I should go.

*Tim’s face falls, a mix of surprise and hurt flashing across his features.*

(reaching out, desperate)
Lucy, wait. Don’t go. We can talk about this.

*Lucy stands, her chair scraping softly against the floor. She takes a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure.*

(gently but firmly)
Tim, I care about you so much. But if this is going to work, we need to be honest about what we're up against. I don't want to be a secret you're ashamed of.

(standing up, moving closer to her)
I'm not ashamed of you. I just... I need to figure out how to navigate this. How to protect what we have.

*Lucy looks into his eyes, searching for reassurance.*

Then figure it out, Tim. Because I can't keep feeling like I'm a liability to your career.

*Tim nods, understanding the gravity of her words.*

I will. I promise.

*Lucy gives him a small, sad smile before turning to leave. Tim watches her go, the weight of their conversation hanging heavily in the air. The door closes behind her, leaving Tim standing alone in the softly lit dining room, his mind racing with thoughts of how to make things right.*


*Lucy enters her apartment, her steps heavy with emotion. Tears stream down her face as she struggles to keep her composure. She moves to the living room and sinks onto the couch, feeling the weight of the evening's conversation pressing down on her. With trembling hands, she retrieves her phone and dials Bailey's number.*

**BAILEY (via phone)**
*Hey, Lucy. What's wrong? You sound upset.*

*Bailey... I... I don't know what to do. It's Tim...*

*Her voice breaks, and she struggles to hold back her tears.*

**BAILEY (via phone)**
*Oh, Lucy. I'm here for you. What happened?*

*We had dinner... and he said... he said if anyone at the station found out we were together, he'd be... he'd be sleeping with the enemy...*

*Lucy's voice cracks, and she lets out a choked sob. Bailey listens silently, her heart aching for her friend.*

**BAILEY (via phone)**
*Lucy, I'm so sorry. That's... that's not fair to you.*

*I know... I just... I thought we could make it work, you know? But now...*

*She trails off, unable to find the words to express her pain.*

**BAILEY (via phone)**
*You deserve someone who isn't ashamed to be with you, Lucy. Someone who will stand by your side no matter what.*

*Lucy sniffles, nodding even though Bailey can't see her.*

*Thank you, Bailey. I... I needed to hear that.*

**BAILEY (via phone)**
*Anytime, Lucy. I'll always be here for you.*

*They exchange a few more comforting words before Lucy ends the call, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst her heartache. She wipes away her tears, steeling herself for the difficult decisions ahead.*

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