chapter 2

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The next day


*The scene opens in a stark, utilitarian interrogation room at the LAPD. TIM BRADFORD, Detective ANGELA LOPEZ, and Detective NYLA HARPER are seated across from a SUSPECT, who appears nervous and tense. The door opens, and LUCY CHEN enters, exuding confidence and professionalism. She is wearing a white skirt, a stylish top, heels, and her hair is perfectly curled. The detectives and Tim watch as she gracefully moves to sit beside her client.*

(looking at the suspect reassuringly)
Don’t worry. We’ve got this.

*Lucy turns her attention to the detectives, her expression calm but assertive.*

(to the detectives)
Good morning. I trust my client hasn’t been mistreated.

(trying to maintain professionalism, but with a hint of warmth)
Morning, Lucy. We’re just here to ask a few questions.

(leaning forward)
Ms. Chen, we have new evidence that puts your client at the scene of the crime.

(raising an eyebrow)
Really? I’d like to see that evidence.

*Angela slides a folder across the table. Lucy opens it, glancing over the contents before closing it decisively.*

This so-called evidence is circumstantial at best. I have security footage that places my client at a different location during the time of the crime.

Footage can be manipulated. How do we know it’s legitimate?

Because it’s been verified by an independent forensic expert. I’m sure you’re familiar with the process.

*Tim suppresses a smile, impressed by Lucy’s poise. Angela and Nyla exchange glances, recognizing the challenge ahead.*

(speaking up)
Let’s keep this civil. We all want the truth, right?

Exactly. So unless you have concrete evidence to hold my client, I’m requesting his immediate release.

*Angela sighs, closing her notebook.*

(looking at Tim and Nyla)
We’ll need to review the footage. If it checks out, he’s free to go.

For now.

*Lucy stands, helping her client to his feet. She looks at Tim, her eyes softening for a brief moment before she turns to leave.*

(to the detectives)
I’ll be expecting a call once you’ve reviewed the footage. Have a good day.

*Tim watches as Lucy and her client exit the room, a mix of pride and concern in his eyes. The door closes behind them, leaving the detectives to ponder their next*
Lucy leaves

*Lucy is walking briskly down the hallway with her client, her heels clicking on the tiled floor. Just as they reach the exit, TIM catches up to her, his expression a mix of determination and affection.*

(softly but firmly)
Lucy, dinner tonight?

*Lucy pauses, turning to face him, her professional demeanor softening slightly. She glances at her client, who gives her a knowing nod before walking ahead to give them a moment alone.*

Dinner sounds perfect. Your place or mine?

How about mine? I'll cook.

I’ll hold you to that. What time?


Seven it is. See you then.

*Tim reaches out and gently squeezes her hand for a brief moment, their connection evident. Lucy gives him a final smile before turning to catch up with her client. Tim watches her leave, a contented look on his face.*

(to himself)
Can’t wait.

*As Lucy exits the building, the camera follows her, capturing her confident stride as she steps out into the bustling streets of LA, the sun casting a warm glow on her. The scene shifts back to Tim, who takes a deep breath and heads back to the interrogation room, ready to face the challenges ahead with a renewed sense of determination.

How will dinner go with Tim?

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