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There I was again, slumped over the toilet seat with my eyes weighed closed. The back of my throat burned from the stomach acid once there, yet no amount of water would soothe the sting. My body felt like it had just done 100 crutches and my chest clutched onto itself so hard it hurt. A knock could be head on the bathroom door but it fell deaf to my ears. "Grian? You alright in there?... I'm coming in." The door creaked and moaned as it was pushed open. A tall woman with ginger red hair crouched down beside me. My senses were immediately assaulted by the soft smell of raspberry honey.

"Oh G... come'er" She lifted me up with ease and carried me back to my bed. In front of me she set three different books. "Which one?" I smiled, and even though it came out more of a grimace, she smiled back. "The second one please." The woman flipped the pages to the first chapter and began to read.

"The blinding spsherr of light slowly faded around Gameknight999, and he could see the blocky landscape that now surrounded him. A long stream of water fell from an outcropping high overhead, forming a small pool of water at his feet. The spray from the water felt cool on his skin. Wiping-"

The woman could see grians eyes start to falter and close. She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "Goodnight dear." His eyes fluttered closed. "Night mom..." He mumbled. Her heart melted with pure joy the feathered man thought of her to be that close. She flicked the lights off and slowly closed the door. Xisuma stole her glance. "Is he okay?" He whispered, clearly worried. "Mhm. He's sleeping now. He breathed a sight of relief.

"Thanks cleo."

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