Chapter 6

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Fluff chapter 


After the stressful night and the mental breakdowns Grey and Brownie decided that we should have some fun today and buy stuff all together. We decided we were going to go to a special store that sold AgeRe gear and TONS OF STUFFED ANIMALS I was excited!

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"-more squealing and giggling-

G:"I know your the excited kiddo but you got to let me dress you and stay still silly goose."

"-giggle- sowwy Daddy M' just SOOO excited!"

G:"I know cupcake. Stay still!"

I was wearing a cute brown bear overalls with a super fluffy white sweater and tall knee high beige socks with little bears on them. With brown bows on top of the socks, white short boots with ruffles. My hair was in little buns with bear clips in them and a cute white paci with a Bear shaped wet shaker with little beige and brown colored beads decorating the whole thing and brown bows in the top corners of the paci and on the ring it said Happy Bear. We walked out the house and got in the car. With me happily kicking my feet back and fourth in my chair. We pull into the mall parking lot and I quickly get out and run over to Grey.

"C'mon C'mon C'mon!!!!"

G:"Okay we're coming"-chuckle-

As we walk in I stop in Awe it's so big to me and there's so many places to go. Grey gently pokes my cheek.

G:"Come on kiddo let's explore. We can go anywhere you want!"

"-squeal- -Excited wiggle- REALLY!!!!!"


I grab Grey and Brownies hand and we start walking I stare at things and point we did a lot of walking and I ate a lot of food's, played on the indoor playground, and got piggyback rides. As I was riding on Grey's back we stopped.

G:"kiddo before we let you go in here I need you to use your inside voice and to not go grab everything off the shelves OKAY!"

B:-Puts blindfold on KC-

"Wat is it wha are we?? WHA! Nu SEE!"

Brownie grabs me and takes me off Grey's back and sets me down on the ground.

G:"Kiddo NO SCREAMING OK! Inside voice baby ok!"

"MHM OTAY! M' Po'mise!"

Brownie takes of my blindfold and I immediately puff up my cheeks and jump up and down its a toy store I've never been to a toy store before I was so excited I ran in and stared in AWE at everything there was so much stuff I look at Grey and point at everything and babble. Grey walks over and watches me feel things and gasp and stare.

"GASP!!!!"-jumps on a huge pink fluffy bunny sitting on the floor in the corner of the store.-high pitch squeal- -happy giggling-"GWEY WAN VIS ONE!!!" The Bunny was a decent size a pastel pink color with a white tummy and wore a giant white bow around it's neck. The eyes were beautiful black glazed with a small blue rim around the pupil it was like looking into the stars. The Ears were super long and reached down to the bunnies white fluffy tail. Inside of its ears was a white floral fabric with pink flowers and had a crinkle noise when you touched it but the best part was that it had a squeaky part at the very tip of the ears. The arms had little white paws on the end that squeaked when pushed. The feet were the same except the sole was white and the paw pads were pink. I dragged it over to Grey and Brownie hidden behind its gigantic size and giggle.

G:"OH GOD! It's so big love you sure you want this one?"

-tilt head out from behind the bunny to look at grey- "YAAAAA YAAAAA YAAAAA MHM VIS ONE!!!!!"

B:"Okay you can have it. Kiddo if you want I can take it to the car for you?"


B:"okay"-takes giant bunny from me-

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!"-jumps up and down excitedly-

As we start heading out Grey runs into a store and comes out after a few minutes and runs over to me and kneels down in front of me and puts something around my neck. I pick it up and Gasp in Awe it's a beautiful clear pink cat with a flower crown that's white with little pink centers. I jump into his arms and hug him tightly.

"Tank U it sooo p'weety M' Wuv it!!!!!"

G:"Your welcome cupcake I thought you'd like it."

As we head to the car and Grey helps me get buckled we head off to home it's around 5 when we get home Grey carries me inside as Brownie carries the giant Bunny stuffed animal. Grey carries me down the hall and to my bedroom and places me in bed as Brownie sets the bunny in the corner of the room.

-stirs slightly- -groggily speaks- "Hmm....cuddws p'ease...."

G:"Sure Cupcake"

B:"ok kiddo"

They both get in bed with me and we silently drift off to sleep happily in each others embrace.

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