We are in the Middle of a Disaster

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We are here, side by side...

Zeynep, I am seventeen years old. I live in Istanbul with my parents, where I have witnessed all kinds of problems they face. I've changed schools three times in my life, and it's only been a day since the third one happened. Today is my first day at my new school. As a result of my father's insistence on transferring to a college because his job changed, I was enrolled and the school principal said, "There is life here." I am having my first day in my big school. Even though I've been here for three hours, I've only been able to attend one class because I'm in the middle of a disaster.

I didn't understand much of what was going on, I just noticed this much. We were removed from the classroom with an emergency announcement and gathered in the conference hall; This place is worse than hell. The manager is trying to talk, trying to explain something even though he knows no one is listening. I listen, not because I like to listen, but because I know that listening is the action that ends conversations.

"Guys! If anyone doesn't shut up right now, I'll delete your record as soon as I take your name!"

And silence. What was expected to happen, would it be allowed to continue like this? My old school wasn't like this, okay, there was noise there too, but this place is different. They don't care about anything,they laugh. However, it is clear that this is a serious situation. The only threat that silences them should not be that the situation will go to their families, but we cannot explain this to them. Still, I held my head up high and looked at the silent faces with pride, as if I had silenced them. At that moment, a girl said to me, "Get out of here!" When he said and pushed my arm past me, I realized that my pride had faded. Silly girl, I can't help but have the slightest problem, can I? When I turned my head to the stage, I saw our school principal starting to speak into the microphone.

"We are in an emergency situation. All health units are currently focused on the situation our school is in. I don't know how to tell you this... But I have to say it. Children... We are in the middle of a disaster."

This was the situation briefly and clearly, we were in the middle of a disaster. I straightened my body to understand what was happening. What was it? Fire or earthquake? What?

"Sir, are we taken hostage? Let them shoot me, nothing will happen to the beautiful girls, hello girls." shouted one of the kids in the front seats. The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead while the audience laughed in disbelief. "We've been through much worse! A ninth grade girl

The student was brought to the infirmary half an hour ago. He was diagnosed with an epidemic disease. As soon as our infirmary doctor Hakan Bey reported this to the necessary health units, they ordered us to lock the door. All health and security units are on the road now. But as far as we understand from the phone... Our school is being quarantined, friends."

Screams of shock... Incredible laughter... Curses hurled... Confused looks and frowning eyebrows...

Yes... We are in the middle of a disaster.

It's my first day at school. As my mother was leaving the house, she kissed my forehead and whispered into my ear that she was sure my day would go well. I remember trying to smile. But I knew deep down that if I was involved, it wouldn't go well. I was dangerous and I had a psychic bad luck. I shouldn't have been allowed anywhere, in fact I should have been expelled from this school immediately. It was because of me, no problemI was sure that the school that did not have this problem was experiencing this problem because of my bad luck. Come with the dust of my feet...

"Now, all I want from you is this, don't cause any trouble. I don't know how many days we will stay here, but we will definitely spend the night here. The doors of every room in the school were opened one by one. The gym, the canteen, the library, the swimming hall, the fields, the projection room. .. Classes are already open and will remain open. You can spend your time wherever you want, all I want is for there to be no problems. We are already experiencing the pain of one of our students, and we cannot afford another incident to happen to one of you. And I want you to be careful, this disease may have infected all of you. If anyone sees any symptoms, they will immediately go to the infirmary!" he said and added as if commanding.

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