This is a big deal

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  It is neither possible to live nor to die.

We've been standing here for about half an hour, staring at the dead body of the blonde girl. There is no sound. Onur is very relaxed, calm, he doesn't even care. Burak and Mert are trying to get over the incident with the devastated expression on their faces. I also watch them from afar. I don't know how all this happened, I can't understand it. I can't understand how such events happen one by one everywhere I go! When I went to the hospital last week, the elevator I took broke down, the electricity went out the moment I stepped into the supermarket I went to three days ago, yesterday I went to my grandmother's and the woman suddenly fainted. They said it was an allergy attack, but I still think it was because of me. Because I, Zeynep Akay, am a disaster magnet. No wonder the first day I came to school, the school was quarantined and a murder was committed inside.

"Poor girl..." I mumbled towards the girl, taking a deep breath. As I looked at the girl with sad eyes, truly feeling sorry for her, I saw Onur shaking his head disapprovingly and laughing as if mocking her. Wouldn't this kid be upset about anything? When I looked at him angrily, he expressed his stance and raised one eyebrow, as if he was prepared for what I was going to say and would never be affected."Aren't you sorry?" That was my only question, I wanted to Vive it. A young girl had died and wasn't she sad? How could he be so careless, how could he be so comfortable? Okay, if, as I said, he had to stay in the same house alone with his mother for seven hours after her mother's death... I could understand why he wasn't upset and made her get over it so quickly. But I couldn't understand how he seemed to be joking.

"Whoa," he said in a monotonous voice. His eyes looked like he wanted me to say something wrong, I knew he wanted to make a scene.

"I can understand you not being upset," I muttered, laying him down on his back, "but I can't understand your kidding." He raised his eyebrows, crossed his arms over his chest in a knowing manner, and cleared his throat.

"Really? Can you understand why I'm not upset? Really? How do you understand? Tell me a little bit, I'm really curious. Share your wonderful analysis with us. Burak, Mert! Come here, this friend will tell us something." As he called out to Burak and Mert, I frowned, trying to make sense. I had no idea what he was trying to do. But at that moment I felt bad, because his attitude was really bad and it had an incredibly bad effect on me. I wanted to go underground. But he didn't even realize how bad it felt.

My eyes were on Onur when Burak and Mert left the girl and walked towards us with heavy steps and frowning eyebrows. He was looking at me as if saying "Show your uncles your dick" and it was obvious that he was having fun. Would he do this even if he understood how hurtful it was? He would do it, he didn't care about breaking it, the cruelty in his hazel eyes told it.

"Dude, what happened again?" Burak asked; -brown-, coal-brown-

Mert, who had tight black hair, was looking at Onur as if waiting for an answer.

Only. Onur's amused gaze was on me. "Don't ask me, he will explain. He could understand why I wasn't upset with the girl. I wanted us to benefit from his extensive psychological knowledge.

He will connect the incident to the traumas I experienced between the ages of zero and three, watch." I looked at his face with anger. While Burak was laughing, Mert was looking at me with a very serious expression. I took a step towards Onur and raised my head. He was so tall that I could look into his eyes.

I had to put two chairs and stand on them. As if he understood my need, he leaned towards me and started looking at my face. "Because your mother is dead," I said firmly, "you don't worry about deaths anymore."

At that moment, I saw a slight change in his eyes and the expression on his face. He was hard, cold, cruel, but somewhere inside he felt sad. Right now, that tiny spot that was sad inside him was in motion, and I could tell from the moving jaw muscle. Don't deny it, tough guy, there are things you feel sad about too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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