We are in this together!

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Come closer but don't touch...

We've been standing here for about half an hour, staring at the dead body of the blonde girl. There is no sound. Onur is very relaxed, calm, he doesn't even care. Burak and Mert are trying to get over the incident with the devastated expression on their faces. I also watch them from afar. I don't know how all this happened, I can't understand it. I can't understand how such events happen one by one everywhere I go! When I went to the hospital last week, the elevator I took broke down, the electricity went out the moment I stepped into the supermarket I went to three days ago, yesterday I went to my grandmother's and the woman suddenly fainted. They said it was an allergy attack, but I still think it was because of me. Because I, Zeynep Akay, am a disaster magnet. No wonder the first day I came to school, the school was quarantined and a murder was committed inside.

"Poor girl..." I mumbled towards the girl, taking a deep breath. As I looked at the girl with sad eyes, truly feeling sorry for her, I saw Onur shaking his head disapprovingly and laughing as if mocking her. Wouldn't this kid be upset about anything? When I looked at him angrily, he expressed his stance and raised one eyebrow, as if he was prepared for what I was going to say and would never be affected.He can't handle it happening. There is something in front of your eyes and not in your mind. Because what could be worse for a person who spent seven hours in front of his mother's body during his childhood? He went through the worst thing he could ever experience and he can't moan about anything anymore. Now, because of this incident, you have to be with us for a while and they will hardly accept you, because there is a fear of losing. If he is afraid that if he takes someone into his life, he will lose them too. We are his childhood friends, so he is friends with us. If we had met after that incident, we would not have been friends either. And obviously, this murder is very important to him. He's waiting here to think about what we should do now, and he wants to tread carefully. This chikal baboon inherits from his grandfather. You can tell by the name of the school, it goes beyond their surname. It would be very bad if Zorlu Koilejleri Bebas loses this game, he can't stick the guy. From this day on, no one will know, understand? Obviously we shouldn't tell Suhana. Sadlecz, I'm back now, Onur is trying to give up on me. Don't let it happen, and if it does, try not to be offended by the person doing it. Because it's not being done to upset you, make sure of that. Onur is not a kind hearted person, he has a beautiful heart inside him. Not just that whole thing, are you remembered that much?"

I nodded. I am so impressed by what I heard.

I sigh deeply. It was very metric. We couldn't believe that he would be known for anything other than someone who had truly committed his mother's death. Actus was the greatest of all. Although making fun of this situation and being rude to me are not things I can forgive, I can't be offended.

I had to accept it.

Zerla. So that was his last name. Onur Dice

"I understand. Thank you for explaining butylan to me" Mem gi

walking with a smile, jumping

"It doesn't matter, come on, let's go to them. By the way, Onur - when he gets angry, he can say curses that you can't believe. The three of us are like that. But his words are more disturbing, don't worry about it." I shook my head, followed by Buruk and Omar.We moved towards where they were. They were waiting over the dead girl, but Onur's eyes were on us, or just me. When we stood next to them, Burak turned to us,

"We will hide the girl." he explained. So Onur decided that his father should not be informed about the incident. Maybe he was right, what could have been done even if his father had known? This situation would do nothing but upset the man.

"How and where? We can't see anything because of the darkness?" After Mert's question, I looked at Onur with curiosity. He looked thoughtfully at the girl lying somewhere and then at me. He was looking at me as if an idea had come to his mind. I frowned,

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