46: The Death Eater from the Department of Mysteries

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[victoria's pov]

The wind brushed against my face. I felt like Rose from the Titanic, but I wasn't on a boat. I was on a thestral. Of course, I couldn't see them, which is what frightened me the most since I was hundreds of feet in the air, but Ginny felt the same way.

"This is awesome!" Hermione shouted.

"This is bizarre!" Ron, Neville, and I shouted at the same time.

Neville was sharing a thestral with Luna, as there were only six around. The sun slowly rose over the meadow. Even though I haven't slept in almost twenty-four hours, the adrenaline that rushed through me kept me wide awake.

The seven of us were in the air for almost an hour before we saw city lights and cars.

"We need to get higher so no one will see us!" I shouted.

"No, we're almost there!" Harry said. "I see it! Follow me!"

We slowly landed on the ground near a telephone. I wished I could see a thestral, but Harry told me it was better not to.

"Never again," I heard Ron say as I jumped off my thestral.

Luna waved at the sun. I assumed the thestral had flown away by then. The Muggles didn't even notice that we had gotten off an invisible creature. It was as if we were here the entire time.

The streets of London were foggy. The brightest splash of color was a red telephone booth that stood quietly.

"The ministry's put a veil over this street," Hermione said. "So that magic causes won't be spotted."

"Why can't they just put one over the entire world then?" I asked obviously.

"Because it'll take a lot of life force and dark magic to perform that kind of deed," Hermione replied.

"Which is why my dad works around the Muggle Department," Ginny said. "So that no one will have to experiment with that kind of magic."

Harry walked to the telephone booth, people greeting us as they walked by. Little did they know that any day, Voldemort could tear apart their family.

"You guys will have to wait here," Harry said. "This booth will take me into the ministry-"

"No, we aren't waiting here, Harry," I said. "And I speak for us when I say we're going with you."

Harry nodded and entered the booth.

"It's going to be a bit tight for the seven of us," he said.

"That's fine," Luna said, joining him.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, Ginny, and I squeezed into the phone booth.

It was quiet for a while before I said, "Well this is cozy," making Neville and Ginny snicker.

"Whoever's nearest the receiver, dial six two four four two," Harry said.

That was Ron. After he was done, there was a woman's cool voice that echoed in the small box and said, "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Victoria Chase," Harry said very quickly. "Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood. We're here to save someone, unless your Minister can do it first!"

"Thank you," said the anonymous voice. There was an elevator ding and a clattering noise. A metal chute appeared and Harry opened it. There were name tags.

"You don't have to put them on," Harry said impatiently, but Luna and I put them on anyway.

"Visitors to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium.

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