Chapter 1

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85 AC, Kings Landing

Baelon paced outside of the doors to the apartment with impatience, the noise of his boots echoing in the hallways of Maegor's Holdfast.

It hadn't even been six moons since Alyssa…

His fists clenched tightly, the sounds of his leather gloves creaked under the strain and it rang in his ears. He breathed out slowly even as he continued to pace albeit slower.

To lose him so soon after Alyssa…before he'd even seen his first nameday…

"Brother" he heard and Baelon stopped in his pacing and turned around. He hadn't even heard him approach.

"Aemon" Baelon said stiffly as he eyed his brother, his posture tense.

"I can see why the servants are taking the long route around." Aemon said as their gazes met, his expression was calm as ever despite the unfriendly acknowledgement.

Baelon sneered slightly as his eyes narrowed "They have no reason to."

Aemon looked at him with hints of scepticism in his eyes as his head reared back slightly "Truly brother? I could hear you grounding down the floor with your pacing from scores away." Aemon said with his arms crossing.

"No wonder the servants seemed frightful." Aemon said with amusement in his voice. Vague reminiscence of the days of mischief shone through in the faint curl of Aemon's lips.

Baelon met his brother's gaze with a ghost of a scowl though his irritation was shallow "They always did scare too easily." He said with a grunt, the corner of his lips raising up ever so slightly.

Aemon laughed "Aye, that they do. They still talk about us with disdain down in the kitchens."

Baelon's lips twitched before it fell away when he remembered.

Aemon only met his gaze head on, his expression calm as ever even as he spoke "Still no word?" he asked, his gaze now breaking and turned towards the doors.

"None yet." Baelon said with a hint of terseness in his voice as he clenched his jaws.

He felt his brother's gaze on his back in a way that left him to want to snap and rage yet instead he opted to walk away, away from the suffocating presence of having to deal with his misfortune with someone else present.

He walked towards the open window and gazed out towards the open world wishing he could ride the clouds with Vhagar than to be…here.

He gripped the bottom frame of the window tightly as he looked out towards the ocean, the distant sounds of the sea crashing into the sharp rocks far below doing little to calm his mood.

He tensed slightly when he felt his brother's careful hand on his shoulder, the urge to snap rose within him but he reigned it in, relaxing and the tension within him receded.

His brother stood next to him, gazing out the same window.

"Skorkydoso nūmāzma jī sōvegon lēkia? kosti jikagon jurnegon syt iā dornish mentyr naejot zālagon" [How about we go fly, brother? I'm sure there's a Dornish fleet out there somewhere that needs burning] Aemon said calmly as his hand slipped off of Baelon's shoulder.

Baelon's lips twisted slightly "Vhagar would jorrāelagon se arlinnon" [Vhagar would relish the chance]

He'd relish the chance too. Burning ship after ship until there were none left. He'd never felt more powerful than on that day.

His half smile slid off of his face as he soberly felt the stark contrast of helplessness again.

"The Gods are cruel." Baelon said with a touch of bitterness in his tone.

The Tartered Dragon - Aegon, Son of Baelon)by mootjeman7)Where stories live. Discover now