Chapter 16

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109 AC, Port Corinth

Gael POV

She could hear the discontentedness even this far away as she walked towards the twin set of doors of the room deep in the cargo-hold and she began to walk a little faster.

The guards opened the twin set of doors for her and over a hundred head swivelled towards her, the discontented noises dying down as they saw her.

She had them kept in the port, at least until she could speak with them.

Already, when she rode through the town, news had filtered that Lady Dawn and Discovery had returned and her own riding with haste did not quell the waggling tongues. Whatever news her people had brought over, she needed to make sure that it would not get to their enemies or at the very least delay it as much as possible.

Whilst Corinth was secluded and protected, it was still visited by people who often came from Lotus Port. Only a few, for only a few were willing to make that journey, but still that was plenty enough. Not only that, she didn't want the Summer Islander villagers to know either.

Which was why she had Ser Cedrick sent home anyone not of Corinth and closed the gates of their town. Truthfully, she wasn't sure when they'd reopen, and if their hopes had come true, then mayhaps they may not be opened until Aegon was back.

"My Princess" rang around as Captains Bryce and Locke went down on their knee and bowed their heads to her, which the other men followed in suit, and she smiled at them as she gestured them to stand up.

"Men of Corinth" Gael began, her expression sincere and kind as she studied their faces. They looked tired but they looked in good condition still.

"I would like to say, firstly, I am relieved to see you all return healthy and hale." Gael told them with genuine sentiment behind her voice and she let it show on her expression. Truly, she was happy to see her people return safely and whole.

Her words seemed to make the men more at ease, happier and her smile turned a little gentler as she spoke "Your journey has been difficult, I can see that on your faces, and our people owe you gratitude and more and you will be rewarded for your service. I will admit" Gael said with a pause as she looked at them with a hint of sadness. "I was beginning to lose faith that we had lost you."

"Aye, my Princess. A few times, we certainly thought we would be lost too." Captain Bryce said with a chuckle in his voice and a few of the men chuckled also whilst a few others agreed with ayes and yesses.

"But the Seven watched over us and saw to it that we came to find the lands they showed our Prince!" Captain Bryce said happily and just like that, a switch happened and the men were raucous in their celebrations.

And so were the guards that had been in the room and the guards that escorted her in. As for Gael…

She felt a weight she never thought she was carrying release from her body. She'd heard the rumours when she rode in, from the guards, that they did find land but hearing it? It was everything. Absolutely everything. And…she felt relief, sheer relief, that finally…finally, they could truly start to build their lives.

'My love…you should be here to hear this first' Gael thought to herself.

Gael raised her hand and the guards assisted in quieting the room down.

"Truly? You have found it?"

Captain Bryce lost the cheeriness and nodded seriously "Aye, my Princess." Captain Bryce looked around, towards the men, and she noticed his gaze lingered on some of them, one of them being…was it Edmyn? She noted it away as she refocused on Bryce when he spoke once more.

The Tartered Dragon - Aegon, Son of Baelon)by mootjeman7)Where stories live. Discover now