Chapter 4

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Early 99 AC, Storm's End

Aegon stood still as his long hair that now touched his shoulders was moved behind his ears before the coif was placed on his head.

It was odd, he mused, how used one could get to being dressed by other people.

It wasn't comfortable, not in the least as he glanced at the young squire who walked off to get the greaves and the cuisses that hung off the pole. At least Eldric knew how to tie knots properly by nature of his heritage as a Sunglass who were a House somewhat versed with ships and seafaring from an early age.

Eldric Sunglass was a squire of the heir of Claw Isle, the two and twenty Bartimos Celtigar whom Aegon befriended in his time on Dragonstone, and the young squire had volunteered to help Aegon after the boy and Bartimos joined the progression through the Riverlands after the tour through the Reach and Casterly Rock was done.

"My Prince" the young squire who was one and ten namedays old said as he returned and kneeled down to Aegon's feet "If you win this, you'll be the first squire since Harlon Tarly three hundred years ago to win three melees in a row" the squire said with a hint of awe in his voice.

"You will have to be knighted then!" Eldric finished as greaves were both put on and the upper leg harness strapped and connected to the lower leg harness before Eldric tied the knot that kept the cuisse attached to his leg.

"I first have to win, Eldric." Aegon said as he tested the leg harnesses and checked the knots whilst Eldric wrapped the maille skirt around his midrift.

"Which is not an easy feat" Aegon reminded the boy who for in all appearances was only a few years younger than he. "The Stormlanders are a martial kingdom, famous for their strength and combat." Aegon said to the boy as he lifted his arms for the breast plate to go on.

The back of the breast plate was shaped like his back, naturally, it was more pronounced with the way the areas that went over his shoulder blades were raised with a valley in the middle of the two raised edges. Swords would slide over the back of his breastplate and protect his spine, something that he was conscious of in this world.

Should he lose all mobility, his life would turn nasty rather quickly.

It had ribs, like his cuisses and greaves, that would make it harder for swords to get caught against areas that needed protection.

"The heirs of House Dondarrion and Toyne are said to be on the cusps of being knights and are said to have done well in the few skirmishes they've been in with the Dornish in the Marshlands whilst House Connington is represented well by Roymont Connington." Aegon finished and he left out deliberately the one that would likely be the young man he would need to defeat to win the melee.

"You'll beat them, my Prince." Edric insisted as he tightened the strings of his breastplate and the plackart that protected his lower torso. "Even Borros Baratheon" Eldric said with a determined tone.

Aegon glanced at the boy with a hint of amusement in his eyes "Mayhaps you have more riding on my victory?" Aegon asked and the boy flushed a little guiltily before he smiled sheepishly.

"Aye my Prince, I have three gold dragons on your victory." The boy frowned as he paused.

"What is it?" Aegon asked curiously as he tested the breastplate before Eldric shook himself and began to place the pauldron, plates that protected his shoulders and provided cover for parts of the chest and back, on his right shoulder.

"The odds were very good, ten to one. They were three to one at Riverrun." Eldric said a little hesitantly, clearly worried and awkward at what people thought his chances were in the competition.

The Tartered Dragon - Aegon, Son of Baelon)by mootjeman7)Where stories live. Discover now