Chapter 6

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Early 99 AC, Dragonstone

"Land ahoy!" one of the crew cried rousing Aegon from his tome that narrated the events of the Century of Blood. Eldric stretched out at the same time as Aegon stood up. He looked towards the island, the great Dragonmont looming in the distance.

He glanced at Bartimos' sleeping form and he walked towards Bartimos and kicked him in the shin, jolting him up.

"We're here." Aegon said with a slight grin, one that Eldric shared though he admirably tried to hide it.

Bartimos groaned "Did you have to kick me awake?" he said with a glare.

"Yes." Aegon said simply before he began to walk towards his stored items behind them. The quarter deck was barely able to hold more than a few people and most of the crew slept on the deck either against the hull, the floor or in their rowing position.

As the island of Dragonstone neared, Aegon closed his eyes, trying to grip on the bond he felt with Mīsaragorn. The bond was always there…at the back of his mind.

He'd experimented with it a lot, to see the extent of the bond and one of the surprising things – and most useful – part of the bond is that it kind of also acted like a beacon… Mīsaragorn could find him if he made it clear through his bond about where he was.

He wasn't sure if it needed Mīsaragorn to want to find him as well though. Still, it would more than good enough, especially it was what was going to make him taking Mīsaragorn with him possible.

It wasn't long before a silhouette of a dragon grew in the distance and a roar soared through the air and Aegon smiled, his eyes shining in delight. 'Missed you too buddy' he tried to communicate through his bond.

Soon enough they circled around the island of Dragonstone and made their way towards the main port nearby the Dragonstone fort, Mīsaragorn flying in circles above.

Aegon glanced at his companions "Will you depart immediately?"

"Yes." Bartimos confirmed. "My father will want to speak with me before we need to get back to Kings Landing in less than a week when the Prince and Princesses arrive."

Eldric piped up "The same for me, my Prince."

Aegon nodded "Very well. I will likely see you both there then."

Bartimos slapped Aegon's shoulder, eying intently as he did so "It doesn't have to stop our adventures, my Prince. Marrying Gael."

Aegon glanced at Bartimos before he looked away. Bartimos – and Eldric – knew of his plans to want to sail across the known seas.

It was how they and a few others bonded. Talks of visiting every port in Essos all the way to Qarth, to Morag, to Yi Ti. "Aye." Aegon said with a small smile that felt hollower than he let on.

"I'm sure it'll work out."

The familiar scent of sulphur and brimstone assaulted his nose and Aegon felt satisfaction at it. Most would hate the island…especially compared to the lands and castles he'd visited. It was dreary, it was cold and it was windy.

It was a dreadful place in comparison to High Garden or to Casterly Rock but it was the closest to home he imagined he'd find here.

There was something about it that he felt like he belonged…more than he ever did in Kings Landing. The castellan was waiting at the dock with a few guards – he'd been given advance notice from Storm's End.

He saw that there was significant work being done on the harbour, work that looked in excess of what he had thought he could do with the coin available to him.

The Tartered Dragon - Aegon, Son of Baelon)by mootjeman7)Where stories live. Discover now