piece of shit

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Alfredo: Yes come in. Here she is !

Caroline opened her eyes and looked at the person who came:

Caroline opened her eyes and looked at the person who came:

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Caroline: L. Luis?

Luis: Ya me, you okey?

Caroline: It it h. hurts .

Luis came near her and looked at her wounds ,they were all cut soo deep.

Alfredo: I did a great job right? boss will really like it.

Luis: Ya he will !really love it, you ?do you even know who you hurt?

alfredo: N . Nik's women?

Luis: Ya really ?she is Damon's lover you dumbass.

Alfredo: S. sir Damon's?

Luis: And you how dare you hurt her ha?

alfredo: But she was with that Nik.

Luis: Ya she is he kidnaped her .

Alfredo: B. but sir I . I don't know that.

Luis: Ha now you know( He kick him and Alfredo bumped into the a chair)

Luis: Now feel the pain (placing gun in alfredo's mouth)

Luis: Now feel the pain (placing gun in alfredo's mouth)

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Luis:  piece of shit !

Luis: Caroline you are you okey?

Caroline: (hugged him ) L. Luis please take me towards Damon .

Luis: You want to meet him? but he told me to take you to an hospital.

Caroline: I. I want to see Damon listen please .

Luis: (annoyed)ha! but fine then lets go.

He put forward his hand for her to get up. She hold it and tried to get up but her legs were so weak because of the wounds . Luis look at her , he lean towards her and grab her in his arms and starts to walk:

 Luis look at her , he lean towards her and grab her in his arms and starts to walk:

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