part 1

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(I'm not doing what I did last time for when the characters spoke unless it's an actual conversation.)


I was walking through my home town when I portal opened up in front of me. Being the curious bunny I am, I decided to check it out.

I was unable to determine where it came from. So I quickly ran home and grabbed my bag. Thanks to both my magic and tech, the bag is infinite and holds all my things.

I decided to put my hand through first. As I did, I felt nothing, so I decided to walk through. As I walked through the portal closed and I started falling.

The relaxing thing about the fall was that I knew I could save myself. I then activated my hover boots and landed safely on a roof.

This is not my dimension. I have a feeling this is gonna be fun. I then jumped down between the buildings going wall to wall. As I hit the ground, I left a dent in the concrete.

I chose to patch it up with a bit of time reversing on the spot. I then went into the sewers, taking notice of the many humans there were.

As it began to become night, I set up a small camp in a dryer area of the sewers. I quickly took out my phone to see if there was a money difference between my dimension and this one.

Thankfully, there was not. I soon downloaded a delivery app and had some food delivered to an abandoned mall I happened to be near.

Once I got my food and ate, I fell asleep with everything in my bag. My bag is my most secure item.

When I awoke from my slumber, I heard a lot of ruckus from farther down the tunnel I was in. I decided to follow the sound. And I'm a bit glad I did.

I came across a sewer based home with a rat and 4 turtles in it. I chose to stay silent and hidden until I was ready to communicate. I don't like speaking to new people.

I had stayed at my original camp sight for 2 weeks. I visited the home of that family every day to learn their names. But today, I woke up to the orange turtle standing over me and blue turtle with my bag in hand.

I sat up, guiding the orange turtle to the side so I would collide heads with him and then stand up.

Y/N: Return my bag to me at once, please.

I had my hand out for him to return it, but the blue turtle hugged it to his chest. This upset me, but I am a very patient bunny.

Y/N: I will only ask nicely once more. Please return my bag to me, now.

The turtle turned to me with a smirk. A smirk that said, "Imma test her patience." And with that, I snapped and snatched my bag out the turtles' hands before he could do anything and wacked him upside his head.

Leo: Hey, why did you hit me!?
Y/N: Because I don't take kindly to strangers holding what's mine and testing my patience.
Leo: Oh, come on, it would have been just a bit of fun.
Y/N: A bit of fun that, had you kept your hands on my bag any longer, would have made you lose your hands.
Mikey: What's that mean?
Y/N: It means that my bag is more secure than a vault and has sensors to tell when I'm holding it and when it needs to kill it and its contents safe.
Mikey: Oh. That's cool. What's your name?
Y/N: What's yours? It's polite for the males to state their names first.
Mikey: Well, I'm Michaelangelo, but I go by Mike, Mikey, Angelo, and Micheal.
Leo: And I'm Leonardo. I go by Leon, Leo, and Nardo.
Y/N: My name is Y/N. Now why are you here?
Mikey: Well, our brother was testing new heat sensors, and it picked you up and another thing, but the only other thing here is your bag.
Y/N: The bag will be heated. It's fabric, tech, and a bit of magic. Two of which produce heat.
Leo: Wow, you sound a lot like Donnie.
Y/N: Who?
Mikey: Follow us, and you can meet him and the others.
Y/N: Very well. Lead the way.

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