part 9

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Draxum arrived and came straight to me and Y/N. I told him what had and is happening, and he just looked over at Y/N with fear and worry in his eyes.

Donnie: What's going on with her?
Draxum: The fact she's still alive in itself is shocking. No person could take that much damage and survive afterward. How long has it been since then?
Donnie: Three hours?
Draxum: And what did you say her magic was?
Donnie: Well, she's shown different types depending on who was nearby. When she's around me, her magic was like mine. When around mikey, her magic included small portals that she'd pull tools out of. Around Raph, her magic would consist of making things float around or move. Around leo, her magic included enough to teach leo a few things.
Draxum: But never about healing magic?
Donnie: No.
Draxum: Well, she seems to have a type of healing magic, but it clearly has the drawback of taking all the damage for herself. It is fixable, thankfully.
Donnie: What do we need to do?
Draxum: Just let her rest and bring her whatever she needs.
Leo: Donnie does that already.
Draxum: That means he's ready for it then. It will be like she's sick, basically. But I'm not too sure how it'll go. I've never seen a bunny mutant or yokai.
Mikey: What are the main foods I should buy for?
Draxum: Soups, stews, and other liquid based foods.
Mikey: Alright.
Raph: I'll clean the lair of any germs that could make this worse.
Draxum: Good thinking. Though the sickness is just for her healing body to stay in bed, we don't want her to be actually sick after healed.
Leo: And what can I do?
Draxum: Keep her company and talk with her. While she's healing, it'll be like she's in a coma. So update her on everything you can. Make sure it's something she finds interesting. Make her smile while sick. As long as she's happy, healing should go well.
Leo: Alright, I got it.
Draxum: She'll randomly wake up and ask for things, so again, just be ready to go get it.

Everyone nods and gets to work. Leo kept everyone and her updated on things. I would tell her about my newest invention, and leo would tell her about any shows he's found.

It's been 4 weeks since she first passed out. And we were getting worried, but then leo started shouting for us to get her lots of food and water and a couple of blankets.

We all ran into the room with the items and saw a completely healed Y/N. I ran into her arms without a second thought. I hugged her tight, and she sleepily hugged me back.

Once I realized what I just did, I let go quickly and handed her the water. She drank the water and thanked us. She ate what mikey gave her, and as she ate, he hugged her.

We were all so happy she was awake. Draxum came by and gave her a check-up. She was perfectly fine now. He then left, and leo had to go hang out with his new yokai friend named usagi.

Raph and mikey left to go hang out with Casey and Cassandra. This left me and Y/N alone. I stayed next to her, and she got back to work on what she was making. Then she asked me to sit next to her.

I sat next to her on her bed. I was curious about what she wanted.

Donnie: What did you need Y/N?
Y/N: Well, I made you something.
Donnie: Oh? Well, I can't wait to see it.
Y/N: Well, here it is.

Y/N pulled out a pair of headphones with my color on it and all the tech I could possibly need. She told me to put them on cause she put a recording on it.

I put the headphones on and listened to the recording. The recording was Y/N.... saying she liked me as more than a friend and how she worried I could never like her back. But if I ever heard this that I'd be honest with her.

I was honest with her. I took off the headset and sat there a few moments. Y/N wasn't looking at me, so I had to move to see her face. I stared into those E/C eyes before cupping her face in my hands and telling her that I liked her back.

She then flushed and smiled brightly. That was the second time I'd ever seen her smile. And the best part is I'm the only person that's ever seen this smile. And then she decided to get sassy.

Y/N: Are You gonna kiss me, or are you holding my face for nothing, Donnie?
Donnie: Don't get sassy with me, you silly bunny.

I kissed her. I finally kissed Y/N. I was full of joy and happiness. I knew for a face I loved her, but I don't think she's ready to hear those words yet.

So we got together and after a month of hiding it to perfection we told my family. They all cheered, thankfully. We started going on dates after the city was rebuilt.

All dates were in the mystic city until she made a cloaking broach for me. She and I continued doing our own things as well. Things were going perfectly.

Soon, leo came out as gay as we suspected. He told us that he was even dating his friend usagi. We were happy for him. But mikey also decided to come out as bi. We all couldn't be prouder.

Raph turned out to be as straight as a board, but he was ace, so we knew we could trust him to be safe. And soon dad decided to start dating again. But he ended up dating Big Mama again and draxum at the same time.

Lucky us that those two have changed. And soon April and sunita were living together with a dog. Cassandra and Casey were living their dream of being a family of two. That was until Raph confessed to Cassandra, and they got together.

Now life was perfect. But the story doesn't end here.

(Author: Don't break the fourth wall jackass!
Donnie: Sorry!
Author: *sighs* See yall in the next chapter. :D)

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