Chapter 17: A second attempt

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Later that evening (for the second time)

Legoshi: See you guys!

Tao: Bye!

Bill: Stay safe!

Legoshi: I will!

Legoshi (inner thoughts): Ever since that day at the Meteor Festival, things been a bit heavy so far! The police have ordered everyone to stay home for the night and now we can't even go out! So many questions form in my head yet I don't have the answers! I guess it was just a rival gang coming to kidnap me for ransom, though it was kinda weird how I out of everyone else was getting kidnapped! Not unlike Haru who I rescued from the Shishigumi.

(In my version, Haru got kidnapped at school instead of the festival grounds and this was when the Adler Play was still happening so before the Meteor Festival was starting or getting prepared, plus Louis was out with him too trying to rescue Haru too)

Legoshi (inner thoughts): Sometimes I think about it and I am so grateful because I was able to confess my love to her! Now everyone accepts our love for each other even Louis who was a tough nut to crack for about 3 weeks but he got over it! Bill on the other hand just likes to tease about it and talk about losing my virginity and stuff like that! He's worse than Pina who likes to chatter about this stuff all the way!

(5 minutes later)

Legoshi: Seems a bit too quiet for my likings, I mean not that I hate quiet, it just feels like something is out there watching me! I guess some music would help calm me down!

(Pulls out his phone)

(Puts headphones in)

Legoshi: Hee! Hee!!


Oh yeah!!!!


I always feel like! Nananananna!!! And I don't have privacy! Who!!!!


Peace Island Solider: We have eyes on the wolf sir!

Knight: Good, are there any of TechnoMaster troops?

Peace Island Solider: I don't think so.....wait! Uh oh!

Knight: What is it?

Peace Island Soldier: Stealth Bots!

Peace Island Soldier: Stealth Bots!

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