Chapter 34: Preda-Troopers

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Command, all training recruits are on their way over!

Copy that!

ETA 7 minutes!

Roger over!

Training Center 1 is ready for the program!

Roger over!

Tango is ready over!

Roger that!

Sierra 1/9 over!

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Mercenary: Alright, listen up!

(Recruits look toward their commander)

Mercenary: We're about to enter the training center in about 2 minutes, so everyone gather your things and be ready when the trucks stops, once we arrive, get into single file lines and meet up at the bunker door!

Recruits: Yes sir!

Let's get moving!

Come on!!!

Let's go go go!!!

Inarigumi Recruit: I don't understand why I had to be a part of this.

Shishigumi Recruit: I think the supreme leader wanted everyone to join.

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