Chapter 43: Betrayal and Interrogation

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TechnoMaster Complex Interrogation Room



Mercenary: Yeah, that's what you get! Traitor!

Mercenary 2: Lousy herbivore! Hahahahahahaha!

TechnoMaster: Commander.

Mercenary Commander: Nice to see you here sir! We've been torturing him just like you asked! Should teach him a good lesson or two!

TechnoMaster: Yes, but remember I need him alive!

Mercenary Commander: Yes sir! All troops, the Supreme Leader is here!

Mercenary: Aw man, always gotta ruin the fun!

Mercenary 3: What you lookin at?!


Oguma: spits blood

TechnoMaster: Set him down. Gently!

Commander Legoshi: Yes sir!

Savon: This is not good.

Atashi: Not for that stupid deer anyway! Hahahahahha

Alpha: Ibuki is right.......:I feel sorry for him.

Mongoose Leader: He betrayed us!!! How can you feel sorry??

Ten: He was trying to protect his son even though he was on the enemy! That takes guts for a caring father like him!

Avian General: I admit, I didn't know Herbivores were so attached to the point where they can become strong, I was told herbivores were weak.

Ibuki: Carnivore Pride can do that to you.......I should know, I regret even to this day when I had murdered a Bison for my inauguration!

Panther Leader: Even if he is a father, he should just learn to know his place!

Wolf Recruit: You said it!

Ponzu: Hey, that takes guts! An herbivore standing up for his son! My father was never that kind for me nor did he even care about me or my mother! So seeing this just opens my heart!

Atashi: Yeah, whatever! Still, Oguma was a fool for doing that! He costed us everything!

Bear Gumi Leader: Yeah, and now Knight is on his way to this location now!

Ferret Gumi Leader: You would've lost anyway! I agree with the rest of you!!! I just hope OTHERS have can have a change of heart, hmmmmmph!!!!

Savon: I was told that my brother recently had a grandson too and if I was in that position, at least I would know that he was safe!

(Meanwhile in the interrogation room)

TechnoMaster: Hah........tsk tsk tsk. Not very good for you Oguma.......I must say it.

Oguma: Heavy breathing

TechnoMaster: You promised absolute loyalty to us! You were the leader of the herbivores! You could've changed everything to make herbivores and carnivores as equal! And yet you took it all aside for that ignorant son of yours!

Oguma: Louis! Is Not As Stupid As You Think! I'd didn't join this alliance for you! I joined it to give Louis a better life than he could ever have been given for 5 years living in that livestock market!

TechnoMaster: And now because of your little charade, my archenemy is on his way here, about to decimate everything that I have gained here!

Oguma: This Knight character of yours is more human than you could ever be! You will never win!

TechnoMaster: I've heard it before and small minor problems are not going to stop the conflict between me and Peace Island!

Oguma: You wanna know something?

TechnoMaster: What?

Oguma: I'm starting to see as to why you are at war with your own home because you don't care about anyone but yourself! All of you!

TechnoMaster: Oh, Oguma! You might be the leader of the biggest corporation your city has ever known and you may be smart with numbers, but you are still terribly naive!

Oguma: At least this naive person knows the difference between right and wrong!

TechnoMaster: Hmmmm. We shall see!


Oguma: Wait, what are you doing?

TechnoMaster: We'll, since you betrayed me, I am replacing you and also your company is under my control! And one more thing, you may have been able to save your son now but next time, you will never see him again!


Savon: This is too much for my liking! 

Ten: Agreed, I just found out the herbivores are now under Melon's control and who knows what he could do with them!

Ibuki: This alliance is already falling apart, there are reports of Herbivores taking arms and rising up all over the Black Market and even our own territory is at risk!

Avian General: Yes, my troops are already facing mass incursions with small rebel groups and they seem to be supported by Knight himself.

Atashi: I'm sure this alliance will be strong as long as we stick together!

Alpha: I agree!

Mongoose Leader: Me too!

Ponzu: Atashi! What is wrong with you?! This alliance is not going to last very long! Have you seen all the news about the recent update?! Knight's forces are already in the city streets and even our own forces aren't doing good!

Agata: Even I just agree with the rest of you! If we are losing this fight already, what hope do we have that this alliance stays any longer??

Ibuki: We don't. I think this alliance is already fractured!

Ten: As do I, Ibuki.........As do I......

After the recent news of Oguma's sudden betrayal, all herbivore soldiers were later placed under permanent command of Melon and as such, many of these soldiers were divided between showing loyalty to their new officers or still remained loyal to the old one and soon a divide between the units was very common.

As the new leader of the herbivores forces, Melon later ordered those that were considered true patriots to arrest any suspicious soldiers that were no longer loyal to the Techno Cause and those that remained were later sent to Dr Mayhem to become new PredaTroopers to replace the straggling numbers.

But even then, everyone knew that the alliance between the Gumis and the Techno Army was already failing, by that point only a small number of Gumi leaders remained completely loyal to the TechnoMaster while others didn't care or thought that Knight would be a better client to work with!

And the fracturing would show its true self during the Liberation of Cherryton.

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