Chapter 1. Sorry, wrong dare!

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"Stay the fuck away from me". I could feel my head spinning, the wave of nausea washing over me, but this son of a bitch couldn't even leave me the fuck alone.

"Don't worry baby girl I'll take care of you" he slurred, his breath reeking of marijuana and alcohol.  He was close, way too close, his grip tightening on my arm as he shoved me against the wall. Panic surged through me.  He was high, unpredictable, and I was alone and defensiless.

"Well I can take care of myself, asshole"  I slurred, I tried to slap him, just for him to grope my ass, 'this is nuts, I can't be here, I can't be standing so weak letting a man try to force himself on me, 'it's insane' I kept saying to myself.

I tried to punch him, but I still failed, I busted up his balls though, and he cried out loud, leaving my body and touching his crotch with a painful hiss, I tried to run for my life but I failed  as hand clamped down on my neck, shoving me against the wall with sickening force.  Pain exploded in my gut as a fist connected with my stomach.  The air whooshed from my lungs, replaced by a gasp.  Clutching at the searing ache, I barely registered the sickening grip in my hair, as my head was pushed and  slammed against the wall. The pain was so excruciating.

"That's what you get bitch, and now I will take you wherever I want, and you are going to be a good girl and come with me" The words he screamed into my ear were so loud, I flinched back, my ears ringing with a high-pitched whine

"You know it's a shame, how an old man like you would want to stick your tiny cock to a girl who doesn't want it". It was someone else's voice. It was a different voice entirely, one that resonated deep within me, a melody I could listen to for eternity. The voice I longed to wake up to every morning, a rich baritone that held a captivating magnetism. Perhaps a touch of sleep still lingered, but there was no mistaking the sheer beauty that resonated within those tones.

Straining to keep my eyes open, the mysterious guy remained a blur. Exhaustion and the effects of the alcohol were overwhelming. My legs buckled beneath me, and I crumpled to the ground, my stomach still a mess from the douchebag's  actions

My eyelids, like weighted feathers, threatened to drift shut...until his voice, a rich caress, stirred me awake once more."

"Do you know anything about rizz?" He grabbed his neck and pulled him away from me, making me feel a little bit better, and away from the terrible smell, that leaked out of his mouth.

"We're enjoying our conversation, and we both feel comfortable. There's no coercion involved" "It was dark, and I couldn't see either of them clearly. The deauchbag spoke up before I could even get a good look at the mysterious guy's face.

My vision narrowed, all I could focus on was a pocket watch strapped tightly to his wrist. He said a few words to the deauchbag, but I couldn't hear them. Then came a thud, a body falling beside me. At that point, I couldn't even open my eyes. Lucky me, the mysterious guy must have landed a good punch.

"Is that all?" Rhea barked at me, ripping me back to the present.

"Hell yeah, can I have some painkillers please?, my head is killing me"She looked at me with concern, then sat on the edge of my bed and handed me an ice pack. I immediately pressed it to my throbbing forehead, a memory from last night's drama.

Rhea, my beautiful, caring, and hardworking sister, five years older than me. Unlike her, I tend to be a bit stubborn, clumsy, and nonchalant, not exactly the picture of grace.  Naturally, she was determined to get the story behind the giant bump on my head after bringing me home last night.

"Why?"The question hung in the air, simple yet utterly confusing

"Why do I need painkillers?, Well it's because my head is killing me, isn't it obvious?, now be a good big sister and get me some Advil" I rolled my eyes at her and she frowned, I always say mean things to her but she always seem not to mind, am I being disrespectful, yes, do I care? No, and should I change?, I'm really trying.

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